General methods
- Registration of partners on your site
- Getting the token for
- Permission list
- Search and verification of payments by a unique code
- Sales information by order number
- A preliminary check of parameters
- Determining the values of the parameters of the goods upon purchase
- Work with the shopping cart
- Proceed to payment
- Operations on Digiseller personal account
- Operations through external aggregators
- Information about personal account balance
Products & categories
- The list of categories (catalog)
- The list of products from the category
- Quickly get product descriptions from ID list
- Product description
- Obtaining a price taking into account the input values of the parameters and/or quantity of the product
- Product reviews
- Seller's goods
- Product discount
- Product search
- Quickly get the main product image
- Creation of a copy of the product description (cloning without contents)
- List of goods seller with an individual offer
Creating and editing products
- Creation of product of type "Unique product with fixed price"
- Creation of goods of "Unique item with variable price" type
- Creation of goods of "Electronic books" type
- Creation of goods of "Software" type
- Creation of goods of "Arbitrary digital product" type
- Editing of product of type "Unique product with fixed price"
- Editing of goods of "Unique item with variable price" type
- Editing of goods of "Electronic books" type
- Editing of goods of "Software" type
- Editing of goods of "Arbitrary digital product" type
- Editing of base props of product. Switch on/off sales.
- Add product images
- Adding a youtube links to the gallery
- Changing the image position in gallery
- Bulk update products status
- Bulk update of product prices
- Getting the execution status of an asynchronous task
- Adding goods to the marketplace subcategory
- Getting the category tree of the marketplace
- Getting the subcategories of the marketplace
Content management
- The method of adding content of type "File"
- The method of adding content of type "File" from ZIP archive (max 200 files)
- The method of adding content of type "Text" and "Url"
- Changing the number of codes generated by Digiseller
- The method of updating content of type "File"
- The method of updating content of type "Text" and "Url"
- The method of deleting content of type "text", "url" or "file"
- The method for completely deleting content of type "text", "url" or "file"
- The method of creating or updating content of type "form"
Comission templates
- Create a commission template
- Edit a commission template
- Get list of commission templates
- Delete a commission template
- Getting the list of products from the deduction template
- Product update in the commission template
- Applying a commission template
Product options
- Product parameter list
- Parameter information
- Create parameter
- Edit parameter
- Delete parameter
- Create variant
- Edit variant
- Delete variant
Correspondence with buyers
- Getting a list of dialogs
- Getting dialog status
- Changing the status of a dialog
- Getting a list of messages
- Setting the read flag
- Preuploading files
- Sending a new message
- Deleting a message
Correspondence with the administration
Exchange rates
Third-party solutions:
Develop a unique design,
logo, and scripts -
Use the source code of ready-made
solutions for your project -
Hire a developer to automate your store or sign up as a freelancer on the InstaDo exchange
We invite developers and webmasters to cooperate. If you create your own template for a store and want to share it with other users, contact us. We can publish a link to your app and are ready to discuss the extension of the Digiseller API.