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Creation of product of type "Unique product with fixed price"

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/create/uniquefixed?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <unique_fixed> <content_type>text</content_type> <categories> <owner>0</owner> <category_id>15</category_id> </categories> <categories> <owner>1</owner> <category_id>17</category_id> </categories> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1]]> </value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1 (EN)]]> </value> </name> <description> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание]]> </value> </description> <description> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание (EN)]]> </value> </description> <add_info> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание]]> </value> </add_info> <add_info> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание (EN)]]> </value> </add_info> <price> <price>15</price> <currency>RUB</currency> </price> <comission_partner>32</comission_partner> <bonus> <enabled>true</enabled> <percent>15</percent> </bonus> <guarantee> <enabled>true</enabled> <value>10</value> </guarantee> <address_required>true</address_required> <instruction> <type>text</type> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Russian text</value> </locales> <locales> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>English text</value> </locales> </instruction> <verify_code> <auto_verify>true</auto_verify> <verify_url> <![CDATA[http://localhost]]> </verify_url> </verify_code> <preorder> <enabled>true</enabled> <delivery_date>2017-10-10</delivery_date> </preorder> <present_product_id>123321</present_product_id> </unique_fixed> { "content_type": "text", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовый продукт №1" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test product №1" } ], "price": { "price": 725, "currency": "RUB" }, "comission_partner": 15, "categories": [ { "owner": 0, "category_id": 7074 }, { "owner": 1, "category_id": 18162 } ], "bonus": { "enabled": false, "percent": 5 }, "guarantee": { "enabled": true, "value": 5 }, "description": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовое описание" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test description" } ], "add_info": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовая дополнительная информация" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test additional information" } ], "address_required": false, "verify_code": { "auto_verify": true, "verify_url": "http://example.com/verify" }, "preorder": { "enabled": true, "delivery_date": "2018-10-10" } "instruction": { "type": "text", "locales": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Русская инструкция" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "English instruction" } ] }, "present_product_id": 123321 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Create
Method for creating access token
price Price Required field
price\price The product cost for one unit A fractional number. separator - dot
price\currency Product price currency String. available values: RUB, USD, EUR, UAH
content_type Item content type String. required field. available values: 'text', 'digisellercode', 'file'
name Item name Array. required field
name\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
name\value Localization value String
comission_partner Commission fee for partners Integer. optional field. minimum of 1% or 0 for products that are excluded. By defaul, value is 0.
categories Item categories Item name
categories\owner Category owner Integer. 0 - own store, 1 - Plati.Market, 2 - WMCENTRE, 3 - GGSell
categories\category_id Identifier of the category of own store or marketplace Integer
description Item description Array. required field
description\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
description\value Localization value String
bonus For a favorable review of the purchase For a favorable review of the purchase
bonus\enabled Bonus enabled Boolean
bonus\percent Percentage of the product price that will be issued to the buyer as a gift certificate Float
guarantee Refund of payment Optional field. Default: false
guarantee\enabled Guarantee enabled Boolean
guarantee\value Guarantee in:
-hours, for products of type unique code (automatically created by Digiseller system);
-days, for other products.
add_info Additional information Array optional field
add_info\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
address_required Buyer must enter delivery address before paying Boolean
trial_url URL of trial version String. optional field
preorder Pre-order Optional field. By default, model 'preorder' is disabled
preorder\enabled Pre-order is enabled Boolean
preorder\delivery_date Date of delivery of the item to the buyer Data format: 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm'
verify_code Code verification Optional field. by default, code verification is done manually
verify_code\auto_verify Automatic code verification Boolean
verify_code\verify_url Url for automatic code verification String
instruction Usage instruction give to the buyer on the order description page Optional field
instruction\type Instruction type String. available values: 'url', 'text'
instruction\locales Usage instruction with localizations Array
instruction\locales\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
instruction\locales\value Localization value String
present_product_id Item id provided as a gift to the buyer Integer. optional field. by default: 0
sales_limit Visibility of sales number Available values: empty field - show, -1 - hide, 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <product_id>555</product_id> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "product_id": 2338757 } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\product_id Created item id Integer

Creation of goods of "Unique item with variable price" type

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/create/uniqueunfixed?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <unique_unfixed> <content_type>digisellercode</content_type> <categories> <owner>0</owner> <category_id>11</category_id> </categories> <categories> <owner>1</owner> <category_id>55</category_id> </categories> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое наименование товара №1]]> </value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Test name for product #1]]> </value> </name> <description> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое item description №1]]> </value> </description> <description> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Test description for product #1]]> </value> </description> <add_info> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное item description №1]]> </value> </add_info> <add_info> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Test additional information for product #1]]> </value> </add_info> <prices> <price>555</price> <currency>RUB</currency> <unit_quantity>100000</unit_quantity> <unit_name>Gold</unit_name> </prices> <comission_partner>15</comission_partner> <bonus> <enabled>true</enabled> <percent>50</percent> </bonus> <guarantee> <enabled>true</enabled> <value>10</value> </guarantee> <address_required>true</address_required> <instruction> <type>text</type> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Русская инструкция</value> </locales> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>English instruction</value> </locales> </instruction> <verify_code> <auto_verify>true</auto_verify> <verify_url>http://localhost</verify_url> <redirect_to>http://localhost</redirect_to> <parameters>test</parameters> </verify_code> <discounts> <unit_for_discount>10</unit_for_discount> <discount>5</discount> </discounts> <discounts> <unit_for_discount>30</unit_for_discount> <discount>10</discount> </discounts> <present_product_id>123321</present_product_id> </unique_unfixed> { "content_type": "digisellercode", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовый продукт №1" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test product №1" } ], "prices": { "price": 250, "unit_quantity": 1000000, "currency": "RUB, "unit_name": "Gold" }, "comission_partner": 15, "categories": [ { "owner": 0, "category_id": 7074 }, { "owner": 1, "category_id": 18162 } ], "bonus": { "enabled": false, "percent": 5 }, "guarantee": { "enabled": true, "value": 5 }, "description": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовое описание" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test description" } ], "add_info": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовая дополнительная информация" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test additional information" } ], "address_required": false, "verify_code": { "auto_verify": true, "verify_url": "http://example.com/verify", "parameters": ["test"], "redirect_to": "https://example.com/failurl" }, "discounts": [ { "unit_for_discount": 1.0, "discount": 1 }, { "unit_for_discount": 1.0, "discount": 1 } ], "limitations": { "type": "sample string 1", "only_integer": true, "limitations": [ 1, 2 ] }, "instruction": { "type": "text", "locales": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Русская инструкция" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "English instruction" } ] }, "present_product_id": 123321 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Create
Method for creating access token
price Price Required field
price\price The product cost for one unit A fractional number. separator - dot
price\currency Product price currency String. available values: RUB, USD, EUR, UAH
price\unit_quantity Unit quantity Integer. available values: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10 000, 100 000, 1 000 000, 10 000 000, 100 000 000, 1 000 000 000
price\unit_name Unit name String
content_type Item content type String. required field. available values: 'digisellercode'
name Item name Array. required field
name\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
name\value Localization value String
comission_partner Commission fee for partners Integer. optional field. minimum of 1% or 0 for products that are excluded. By defaul, value is 0.
categories Item categories Item name
categories\owner Category owner Integer. 0 - own store, 1 - Plati.Market, 2 - WMCENTRE, 3 - GGSell
categories\category_id Identifier of the category of own store or marketplace Integer
description Item description Array. required field
description\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
description\value Localization value String
bonus For a favorable review of the purchase For a favorable review of the purchase
bonus\enabled Bonus enabled Boolean
bonus\percent Percentage of the product price that will be issued to the buyer as a gift certificate Integer
guarantee Refund of payment Optional field. Default: false
guarantee\enabled Guarantee enabled Boolean
guarantee\value Guarantee in days Integer
add_info Additional information Array optional field
add_info\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
address_required Buyer must enter delivery address before paying Boolean
verify_code Code verification Optional field. by default, code verification is done manually
verify_code\auto_verify Automatic code verification Boolean
verify_code\verify_url Url for automatic code verification String
limitations Purchase limitations
verify_code\redirect_to Redirect page address if there are no additional parameters when paying String. optional parameter
verify_code\parameters Additional options for payment Array of strings. optional parameter
limitations\type Limitation type String. available values:
'None' - is missing
'MinAndMax' - minimum and maximum quantity for buying
'FixedQuantity' - fixed quantity for buying
limitations\limitations Limitation digits Array of integers
MinAndMax - two digits, any order
FixedQuantity - list of fixed quantity
limitations\only_integer For purchase are only an integer (not float) Boolean
discounts Discounts when purchasing a certain quantity of goods Array optional field
discounts\unit_for_discount Count of item for discount Float
discounts\discount Discount percentage Integer
instruction Usage instruction give to the buyer on the order description page Optional field
instruction\type Instruction type String. available values: 'url', 'text'
instruction\locales Usage instruction with localizations Array
instruction\locales\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
instruction\locales\value Localization value String
present_product_id Item id provided as a gift to the buyer Integer. optional field. by default: 0
sales_limit Visibility of sales number Available values: empty field - show, -1 - hide, 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <product_id>555</product_id> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "product_id": 2338757 } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\product_id Created item id Integer

Creation of goods of "Electronic books" type

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/create/book?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <book> <content_type>text</content_type> <categories> <owner>0</owner> <category_id>15</category_id> </categories> <categories> <owner>1</owner> <category_id>17</category_id> </categories> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1]]> </value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1 (EN)]]> </value> </name> <description> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание]]> </value> </description> <description> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание (EN)]]> </value> </description> <add_info> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание]]> </value> </add_info> <add_info> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание (EN)]]> </value> </add_info> <price> <price>15</price> <currency>RUB</currency> </price> <comission_partner>32</comission_partner> <bonus> <enabled>true</enabled> <percent>15</percent> </bonus> <guarantee> <enabled>true</enabled> <value>10</value> </guarantee> <address_required>true</address_required> <instruction> <type>text</type> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Russian text</value> </locales> <locales> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>English text</value> </locales> </instruction> <trial_url>http://localhost</trial_url> <present_product_id>123321</present_product_id> </book> { "content_type": "text", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовый продукт №1" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test product №1" } ], "price": { "price": 725, "currency": "RUB" }, "comission_partner": 15, "categories": [ { "owner": 0, "category_id": 7074 }, { "owner": 1, "category_id": 18162 } ], "bonus": { "enabled": false, "percent": 5 }, "guarantee": { "enabled": true, "value": 5 }, "description": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовое описание" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test description" } ], "add_info": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовая дополнительная информация" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test additional information" } ], "address_required": false, "trial_url": "http://localhost", "instruction": { "type": "text", "locales": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Русская инструкция" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "English instruction" } ] }, "present_product_id": 123321 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Create
Method for creating access token
price Price Required field
price\price The product cost for one unit A fractional number. separator - dot
price\currency Product price currency String. available values: RUB, USD, EUR, UAH
content_type Item content type String. required field. available values: 'text', 'url', 'file'
name Item name Array. required field
name\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
name\value Localization value String
comission_partner Commission fee for partners Integer. optional field. minimum of 1% or 0 for products that are excluded. By defaul, value is 0.
categories Item categories Item name
categories\owner Category owner Integer. 0 - own store, 1 - Plati.Market, 2 - WMCENTRE, 3 - GGSell
categories\category_id Identifier of the category of own store or marketplace Integer
description Item description Array. required field
description\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
description\value Localization value String
bonus For a favorable review of the purchase For a favorable review of the purchase
bonus\enabled Bonus enabled Boolean
bonus\percent Percentage of the product price that will be issued to the buyer as a gift certificate Float
guarantee Refund of payment Optional field. Default: false
guarantee\enabled Guarantee enabled Boolean
guarantee\value Guarantee in days Integer
add_info Additional information Array optional field
add_info\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
address_required Buyer must enter delivery address before paying Boolean
trial_url URL of trial version String. optional field
instruction Usage instruction give to the buyer on the order description page Optional field
instruction\type Instruction type String. available values: 'url', 'text'
instruction\locales Usage instruction with localizations Array
instruction\locales\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
instruction\locales\value Localization value String
present_product_id Item id provided as a gift to the buyer Integer. optional field. by default: 0
sales_limit Visibility of sales number Available values: empty field - show, -1 - hide, 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <product_id>555</product_id> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "product_id": 2338757 } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\product_id Created item id Integer

Creation of goods of "Software" type

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/create/software?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <software> <content_type>text</content_type> <categories> <owner>0</owner> <category_id>15</category_id> </categories> <categories> <owner>1</owner> <category_id>17</category_id> </categories> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1]]> </value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1 (EN)]]> </value> </name> <description> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание]]> </value> </description> <description> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание (EN)]]> </value> </description> <add_info> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание]]> </value> </add_info> <add_info> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание (EN)]]> </value> </add_info> <price> <price>15</price> <currency>RUB</currency> </price> <comission_partner>32</comission_partner> <bonus> <enabled>true</enabled> <percent>15</percent> </bonus> <guarantee> <enabled>true</enabled> <value>10</value> </guarantee> <address_required>true</address_required> <instruction> <type>text</type> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Russian text</value> </locales> <locales> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>English text</value> </locales> </instruction> <trial_url>http://localhost</trial_url> <present_product_id>123321</present_product_id> </software> { "content_type": "text", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовый продукт №1" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test product №1" } ], "price": { "price": 725, "currency": "RUB" }, "comission_partner": 15, "categories": [ { "owner": 0, "category_id": 7074 }, { "owner": 1, "category_id": 18162 } ], "bonus": { "enabled": false, "percent": 5 }, "guarantee": { "enabled": true, "value": 5 }, "description": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовое описание" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test description" } ], "add_info": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовая дополнительная информация" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test additional information" } ], "address_required": false, "trial_url": "http://localhost", "instruction": { "type": "text", "locales": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Русская инструкция" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "English instruction" } ] }, "present_product_id": 123321 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Create
Method for creating access token
price Price Required field
price\price The product cost for one unit A fractional number. separator - dot
price\currency Product price currency String. available values: RUB, USD, EUR, UAH
content_type Item content type String. required field. available values: 'text', 'url', 'file'
name Item name Array. required field
name\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
name\value Localization value String
comission_partner Commission fee for partners Integer. optional field. minimum of 1% or 0 for products that are excluded. By defaul, value is 0.
categories Item categories Item name
categories\owner Category owner Integer. 0 - own store, 1 - Plati.Market, 2 - WMCENTRE, 3 - GGSell
categories\category_id Identifier of the category of own store or marketplace Integer
description Item description Array. required field
description\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
description\value Localization value String
bonus For a favorable review of the purchase For a favorable review of the purchase
bonus\enabled Bonus enabled Boolean
bonus\percent Percentage of the product price that will be issued to the buyer as a gift certificate Float
guarantee Refund of payment Optional field. Default: false
guarantee\enabled Guarantee enabled Boolean
guarantee\value Guarantee in days Integer
add_info Additional information Array optional field
add_info\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
address_required Buyer must enter delivery address before paying Boolean
trial_url URL of trial version String. optional field
instruction Usage instruction give to the buyer on the order description page Optional field
instruction\type Instruction type String. available values: 'url', 'text'
instruction\locales Usage instruction with localizations Array
instruction\locales\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
instruction\locales\value Localization value String
present_product_id Item id provided as a gift to the buyer Integer. optional field. by default: 0
sales_limit Visibility of sales number Available values: empty field - show, -1 - hide, 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <product_id>555</product_id> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "product_id": 2338757 } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\product_id Created item id Integer

Creation of goods of "Arbitrary digital product" type

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/create/arbitrary?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <arbitrary> <content_type>text</content_type> <categories> <owner>0</owner> <category_id>15</category_id> </categories> <categories> <owner>1</owner> <category_id>17</category_id> </categories> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1]]> </value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1 (EN)]]> </value> </name> <description> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание]]> </value> </description> <description> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание (EN)]]> </value> </description> <add_info> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание]]> </value> </add_info> <add_info> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание (EN)]]> </value> </add_info> <price> <price>15</price> <currency>RUB</currency> </price> <affiliate_program>0</affiliate_program> <comission_partner>32</comission_partner> <bonus> <enabled>true</enabled> <percent>15</percent> </bonus> <guarantee> <enabled>true</enabled> <value>10</value> </guarantee> <address_required>true</address_required> <instruction> <type>text</type> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Russian text</value> </locales> <locales> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>English text</value> </locales> </instruction> <pay_as_you_want>false</pay_as_you_want> <present_product_id>123321</present_product_id> </arbitrary> { "content_type": "text", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовый продукт №1" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test product №1" } ], "price": { "price": 725, "currency": "RUB" }, "affiliate_program": 0, "comission_partner": 15, "categories": [ { "owner": 0, "category_id": 7074 }, { "owner": 1, "category_id": 18162 } ], "bonus": { "enabled": false, "percent": 5 }, "guarantee": { "enabled": true, "value": 5 }, "description": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовое описание" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test description" } ], "add_info": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовая дополнительная информация" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test additional information" } ], "address_required": false, "pay_as_you_want": true, "instruction": { "type": "text", "locales": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Русская инструкция" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "English instruction" } ] }, "present_product_id": 123321 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Create
Method for creating access token
price Price Required field
price\price The product cost for one unit A fractional number. separator - dot
price\currency Product price currency String. available values: RUB, USD, EUR, UAH
content_type Item content type String. required field. available values: 'text', 'file', 'form'
name Item name Array. required field
name\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
name\value Localization value String
affiliate_program Affiliate program 0 - Deduction for selected affiliates only
1 - Deduction to agents
2 - The item is not part of an affiliate program
comission_partner Commission fee for partners Integer. optional field. minimum of 1% or 0 for products that are excluded. By defaul, value is 0.
categories Item categories Array
categories\owner Category owner Integer. 0 - own store, 1 - Plati.Market, 2 - WMCENTRE, 3 - GGSell
categories\category_id Identifier of the category of own store or marketplace Integer
description Item description Array. required field
description\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
description\value Localization value String
bonus For a favorable review of the purchase
bonus\enabled Bonus enabled Boolean
bonus\percent Percentage of the product price that will be issued to the buyer as a gift certificate Integer
guarantee Refund of payment Optional field. Default: false
guarantee\enabled Guarantee enabled Boolean
guarantee\value Guarantee in days Integer
add_info Additional information Array optional field
add_info\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
address_required Buyer must enter delivery address before paying Boolean
pay_as_you_want PWYW model Boolean. required field
instruction Usage instruction give to the buyer on the order description page Optional field
instruction\type Instruction type String. available values: 'url', 'text'
instruction\locales Usage instruction with localizations Array
instruction\locales\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
instruction\locales\value Localization value String
present_product_id Item id provided as a gift to the buyer Integer. optional field. by default: 0
sales_limit Visibility of sales number Available values: empty field - show, -1 - hide, 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <product_id>555</product_id> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "product_id": 2338757 } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\product_id Created item id Integer

Editing of product of type "Unique product with fixed price"

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/edit/uniquefixed/{product_id}?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <unique_fixed> <enabled>true</enabled> <categories> <owner>0</owner> <category_id>15</category_id> </categories> <categories> <owner>1</owner> <category_id>17</category_id> </categories> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1]]> </value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1 (EN)]]> </value> </name> <description> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание]]> </value> </description> <description> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание (EN)]]> </value> </description> <add_info> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание]]> </value> </add_info> <add_info> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание (EN)]]> </value> </add_info> <price> <price>15</price> <currency>RUB</currency> </price> <comission_partner>32</comission_partner> <bonus> <enabled>true</enabled> <percent>15</percent> </bonus> <guarantee> <enabled>true</enabled> <value>10</value> </guarantee> <address_required>true</address_required> <instruction> <type>text</type> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Russian text</value> </locales> <locales> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>English text</value> </locales> </instruction> <verify_code> <auto_verify>true</auto_verify> <verify_url> <![CDATA[http://localhost]]> </verify_url> </verify_code> <preorder> <enabled>true</enabled> <delivery_date>2017-10-10</delivery_date> </preorder> <present_product_id>123321</present_product_id> </unique_fixed> { "enabled": true, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовый продукт №1" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test product №1" } ], "price": { "price": 725, "currency": "RUB" }, "comission_partner": 15, "categories": [ { "owner": 0, "category_id": 7074 }, { "owner": 1, "category_id": 18162 } ], "bonus": { "enabled": false, "percent": 5 }, "guarantee": { "enabled": true, "value": 5 }, "description": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовое описание" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test description" } ], "add_info": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовая дополнительная информация" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test additional information" } ], "address_required": false, "verify_code": { "auto_verify": true, "verify_url": "http://example.com/verify" }, "preorder": { "enabled": true, "delivery_date": "2018-10-10" } "instruction": { "type": "text", "locales": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Русская инструкция" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "English instruction" } ] }, "present_product_id": 123321 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
enabled Product posted for sale Boolean
price Price Required field
price\price The product cost for one unit A fractional number. separator - dot
price\currency Product price currency String. available values: RUB, USD, EUR, UAH
name Item name Array
name\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
name\value Localization value String
comission_partner Commission fee for partners Integer, minimum of 1%;
0 - deduction for selected affiliates only;
-1 - the item is not part of an affiliate program.
categories Item categories Array
categories\owner Category owner Integer. 0 - own store, 1 - Plati.Market, 2 - WMCENTRE, 3 - GGSell
categories\category_id Identifier of the category of own store or marketplace Integer
description Item description Array
description\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
description\value Localization value String
bonus For a favorable review of the purchase
bonus\enabled Bonus enabled Boolean
bonus\percent Percentage of the product price that will be issued to the buyer as a gift certificate Float
guarantee Refund of payment
guarantee\enabled Guarantee enabled Boolean
guarantee\value Guarantee in:
-hours, for products of type unique code (automatically created by Digiseller system);
-days, for other products.
add_info Additional information Array
add_info\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
address_required Buyer must enter delivery address before paying Boolean
trial_url URL of trial version String. optional field
preorder Pre-order
preorder\enabled Pre-order is enabled Boolean
preorder\delivery_date Date of delivery of the item to the buyer Data format: 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm'
verify_code Code verification Optional field. by default, code verification is done manually
verify_code\auto_verify Automatic code verification Boolean
verify_code\verify_url Url for automatic code verification String
instruction Usage instruction give to the buyer on the order description page
instruction\type Instruction type String. available values: 'url', 'text'
instruction\locales Usage instruction with localizations Array
instruction\locales\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
instruction\locales\value Localization value String
present_product_id Item id provided as a gift to the buyer Integer. for removing: 0
sales_limit Visibility of sales number Available values: empty field - show, -1 - hide, 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <status>Success</status> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "status": "Success" } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\status Response status String

Editing of goods of "Unique item with variable price" type

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/edit/uniqueunfixed/{product_id}?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <unique_unfixed> <enabled>true</enabled> <categories> <owner>0</owner> <category_id>11</category_id> </categories> <categories> <owner>1</owner> <category_id>55</category_id> </categories> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое наименование товара №1]]> </value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Test name for product #1]]> </value> </name> <description> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое item description №1]]> </value> </description> <description> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Test description for product #1]]> </value> </description> <add_info> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное item description №1]]> </value> </add_info> <add_info> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Test additional information for product #1]]> </value> </add_info> <prices> <price>555</price> <currency>RUB</currency> <unit_quantity>100000</unit_quantity> <unit_name>Gold</unit_name> </prices> <comission_partner>15</comission_partner> <bonus> <enabled>true</enabled> <percent>50</percent> </bonus> <guarantee> <enabled>true</enabled> <value>10</value> </guarantee> <address_required>true</address_required> <instruction> <type>text</type> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Русская инструкция</value> </locales> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>English instruction</value> </locales> </instruction> <verify_code> <auto_verify>true</auto_verify> <verify_url>http://localhost</verify_url> </verify_code> <discounts> <unit_for_discount>10</unit_for_discount> <discount>5</discount> </discounts> <discounts> <unit_for_discount>30</unit_for_discount> <discount>10</discount> </discounts> <present_product_id>123321</present_product_id> </unique_unfixed> { "enabled": true, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовый продукт №1" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test product №1" } ], "prices": { "price": 250, "unit_quantity": 1000000, "currency": "RUB, "unit_name": "Gold" }, "comission_partner": 15, "categories": [ { "owner": 0, "category_id": 7074 }, { "owner": 1, "category_id": 18162 } ], "bonus": { "enabled": false, "percent": 5 }, "guarantee": { "enabled": true, "value": 5 }, "description": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовое описание" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test description" } ], "add_info": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовая дополнительная информация" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test additional information" } ], "address_required": false, "verify_code": { "auto_verify": true, "verify_url": "http://example.com/verify" }, "discounts": [ { "unit_for_discount": 1.0, "discount": 1 }, { "unit_for_discount": 1.0, "discount": 1 } ], "limitations": { "type": "sample string 1", "only_integer": true, "limitations": [ 1, 2 ] }, "instruction": { "type": "text", "locales": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Русская инструкция" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "English instruction" } ] }, "present_product_id": 123321 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
enabled Product posted for sale Boolean
price Price Required field
price\price The product cost for one unit A fractional number. separator - dot
price\currency Product price currency String. available values: RUB, USD, EUR, UAH
price\unit_quantity Unit quantity Integer. available values: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10 000, 100 000, 1 000 000, 10 000 000, 100 000 000, 1 000 000 000
price\unit_name Unit name String
name Item name Array
name\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
name\value Localization value String
comission_partner Commission fee for partners Integer, minimum of 1%;
0 - deduction for selected affiliates only;
-1 - the item is not part of an affiliate program.
categories Item categories Array
categories\owner Category owner Integer. 0 - own store, 1 - Plati.Market, 2 - WMCENTRE, 3 - GGSell
categories\category_id Identifier of the category of own store or marketplace Integer
description Item description Array
description\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
description\value Localization value String
bonus For a favorable review of the purchase
bonus\enabled Bonus enabled Boolean
bonus\percent Percentage of the product price that will be issued to the buyer as a gift certificate Integer
guarantee Refund of payment
guarantee\enabled Guarantee enabled Boolean
guarantee\value Guarantee in days Integer
add_info Additional information Array
add_info\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
address_required Buyer must enter delivery address before paying Boolean
verify_code Code verification Optional field. by default, code verification is done manually
verify_code\auto_verify Automatic code verification Boolean
verify_code\verify_url Url for automatic code verification String
verify_code\redirect_to Redirect page address if there are no additional parameters when paying String. optional parameter
verify_code\parameters Additional options for payment Array of strings. optional parameter
limitations Purchase limitations
limitations\type Limitation type String. available values:
'None' - is missing
'MinAndMax' - minimum and maximum quantity for buying
'FixedQuantity' - fixed quantity for buying
limitations\limitations Limitation digits Array of integers
MinAndMax - two digits, any order
FixedQuantity - list of fixed quantity
limitations\only_integer For purchase are only an integer (not float) Boolean
discounts Discounts when purchasing a certain quantity of goods Array
discounts\unit_for_discount Count of item for discount Float
discounts\discount Discount percentage Integer
instruction Usage instruction give to the buyer on the order description page
instruction\type Instruction type String. available values: 'url', 'text'
instruction\locales Usage instruction with localizations Array
instruction\locales\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
instruction\locales\value Localization value String
present_product_id Item id provided as a gift to the buyer Integer. for removing: 0
sales_limit Visibility of sales number Available values: empty field - show, -1 - hide, 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <status>Success</status> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "status": "Success" } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\status Response status String

Editing of goods of "Electronic books" type

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/edit/book/{product_id}?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <book> <enabled>true</enabled> <categories> <owner>0</owner> <category_id>15</category_id> </categories> <categories> <owner>1</owner> <category_id>17</category_id> </categories> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1]]> </value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1 (EN)]]> </value> </name> <description> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание]]> </value> </description> <description> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание (EN)]]> </value> </description> <add_info> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание]]> </value> </add_info> <add_info> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание (EN)]]> </value> </add_info> <price> <price>15</price> <currency>RUB</currency> </price> <comission_partner>32</comission_partner> <bonus> <enabled>true</enabled> <percent>15</percent> </bonus> <guarantee> <enabled>true</enabled> <value>10</value> </guarantee> <address_required>true</address_required> <instruction> <type>text</type> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Russian text</value> </locales> <locales> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>English text</value> </locales> </instruction> <trial_url>http://localhost</trial_url> <present_product_id>123321</present_product_id> </book> { "enabled": true, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовый продукт №1" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test product №1" } ], "price": { "price": 725, "currency": "RUB" }, "comission_partner": 15, "categories": [ { "owner": 0, "category_id": 7074 }, { "owner": 1, "category_id": 18162 } ], "bonus": { "enabled": false, "percent": 5 }, "guarantee": { "enabled": true, "value": 5 }, "description": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовое описание" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test description" } ], "add_info": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовая дополнительная информация" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test additional information" } ], "address_required": false, "trial_url": "http://localhost", "instruction": { "type": "text", "locales": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Русская инструкция" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "English instruction" } ] }, "present_product_id": 123321 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
enabled Product posted for sale Boolean
price Price Required field
price\price The product cost for one unit A fractional number. separator - dot
price\currency Product price currency String. available values: RUB, USD, EUR, UAH
name Item name Array
name\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
name\value Localization value String
comission_partner Commission fee for partners Integer, minimum of 1%;
0 - deduction for selected affiliates only;
-1 - the item is not part of an affiliate program.
categories Item categories Array
categories\owner Category owner Integer. 0 - own store, 1 - Plati.Market, 2 - WMCENTRE, 3 - GGSell
categories\category_id Identifier of the category of own store or marketplace Integer
description Item description Array
description\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
description\value Localization value String
bonus For a favorable review of the purchase
bonus\enabled Bonus enabled Boolean
bonus\percent Percentage of the product price that will be issued to the buyer as a gift certificate Float
guarantee Refund of payment
guarantee\enabled Guarantee enabled Boolean
guarantee\value Guarantee in days Integer
add_info Additional information Array
add_info\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
address_required Buyer must enter delivery address before paying Boolean
trial_url URL of trial version String
instruction Usage instruction give to the buyer on the order description page
instruction\type Instruction type String. available values: 'url', 'text'
instruction\locales Usage instruction with localizations Array
instruction\locales\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
instruction\locales\value Localization value String
present_product_id Item id provided as a gift to the buyer Integer. for removing: 0
sales_limit Visibility of sales number Available values: empty field - show, -1 - hide, 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <status>Success</status> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "status": "Success" } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\status Response status String

Editing of goods of "Software" type

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/edit/software/{product_id}?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <software> <enabled>true</enabled> <categories> <owner>0</owner> <category_id>15</category_id> </categories> <categories> <owner>1</owner> <category_id>17</category_id> </categories> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1]]> </value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1 (EN)]]> </value> </name> <description> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание]]> </value> </description> <description> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание (EN)]]> </value> </description> <add_info> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание]]> </value> </add_info> <add_info> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание (EN)]]> </value> </add_info> <price> <price>15</price> <currency>RUB</currency> </price> <comission_partner>32</comission_partner> <bonus> <enabled>true</enabled> <percent>15</percent> </bonus> <guarantee> <enabled>true</enabled> <value>10</value> </guarantee> <address_required>true</address_required> <instruction> <type>text</type> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Russian text</value> </locales> <locales> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>English text</value> </locales> </instruction> <trial_url>http://localhost</trial_url> <present_product_id>123321</present_product_id> </software> { "enabled": true, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовый продукт №1" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test product №1" } ], "price": { "price": 725, "currency": "RUB" }, "comission_partner": 15, "categories": [ { "owner": 0, "category_id": 7074 }, { "owner": 1, "category_id": 18162 } ], "bonus": { "enabled": false, "percent": 5 }, "guarantee": { "enabled": true, "value": 5 }, "description": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовое описание" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test description" } ], "add_info": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовая дополнительная информация" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test additional information" } ], "address_required": false, "trial_url": "http://localhost", "instruction": { "type": "text", "locales": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Русская инструкция" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "English instruction" } ] }, "present_product_id": 123321 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
enabled Product posted for sale Boolean
price Price Required field
price\price The product cost for one unit A fractional number. separator - dot
price\currency Product price currency String. available values: RUB, USD, EUR, UAH
name Item name Array
name\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
name\value Localization value String
comission_partner Commission fee for partners Integer, minimum of 1%;
0 - deduction for selected affiliates only;
-1 - the item is not part of an affiliate program.
categories Item categories Array
categories\owner Category owner Integer. 0 - own store, 1 - Plati.Market, 2 - WMCENTRE, 3 - GGSell
categories\category_id Identifier of the category of own store or marketplace Integer
description Item description Array
description\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
description\value Localization value String
bonus For a favorable review of the purchase
bonus\enabled Bonus enabled Boolean
bonus\percent Percentage of the product price that will be issued to the buyer as a gift certificate Float
guarantee Refund of payment
guarantee\enabled Guarantee enabled Boolean
guarantee\value Guarantee in days Integer
add_info Additional information Array
add_info\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
address_required Buyer must enter delivery address before paying Boolean
trial_url URL of trial version String
instruction Usage instruction give to the buyer on the order description page
instruction\type Instruction type String. available values: 'url', 'text'
instruction\locales Usage instruction with localizations Array
instruction\locales\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
instruction\locales\value Localization value String
present_product_id Item id provided as a gift to the buyer Integer. for removing: 0
sales_limit Visibility of sales number Available values: empty field - show, -1 - hide, 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <status>Success</status> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "status": "Success" } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\status Response status String

Editing of goods of "Arbitrary digital product" type

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/edit/arbitrary/{product_id}?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <arbitrary> <enabled>true</enabled> <categories> <owner>0</owner> <category_id>15</category_id> </categories> <categories> <owner>1</owner> <category_id>17</category_id> </categories> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1]]> </value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1 (EN)]]> </value> </name> <description> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание]]> </value> </description> <description> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание (EN)]]> </value> </description> <add_info> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание]]> </value> </add_info> <add_info> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание (EN)]]> </value> </add_info> <price> <price>15</price> <currency>RUB</currency> </price> <comission_partner>32</comission_partner> <bonus> <enabled>true</enabled> <percent>15</percent> </bonus> <guarantee> <enabled>true</enabled> <value>10</value> </guarantee> <address_required>true</address_required> <instruction> <type>text</type> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Russian text</value> </locales> <locales> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>English text</value> </locales> </instruction> <present_product_id>123321</present_product_id> </arbitrary> { "enabled": true, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовый продукт №1" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test product №1" } ], "price": { "price": 725, "currency": "RUB" }, "comission_partner": 15, "categories": [ { "owner": 0, "category_id": 7074 }, { "owner": 1, "category_id": 18162 } ], "bonus": { "enabled": false, "percent": 5 }, "guarantee": { "enabled": true, "value": 5 }, "description": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовое описание" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test description" } ], "add_info": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовая дополнительная информация" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test additional information" } ], "address_required": false, "instruction": { "type": "text", "locales": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Русская инструкция" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "English instruction" } ] }, "present_product_id": 123321 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
enabled Product posted for sale Boolean
price Price Required field
price\price The product cost for one unit A fractional number. separator - dot
price\currency Product price currency String. available values: RUB, USD, EUR, UAH
name Item name Array
name\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
name\value Localization value String
comission_partner Commission fee for partners Integer, minimum of 1%;
0 - deduction for selected affiliates only;
-1 - the item is not part of an affiliate program.
categories Item categories Array
categories\owner Category owner Integer. 0 - own store, 1 - Plati.Market, 2 - WMCENTRE, 3 - GGSell
categories\category_id Identifier of the category of own store or marketplace Integer
description Item description Array
description\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
description\value Localization value String
bonus For a favorable review of the purchase
bonus\enabled Bonus enabled Boolean
bonus\percent Percentage of the product price that will be issued to the buyer as a gift certificate Integer
guarantee Refund of payment
guarantee\enabled Guarantee enabled Boolean
guarantee\value Guarantee in days Integer
add_info Additional information Array
add_info\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
address_required Buyer must enter delivery address before paying Boolean
instruction Usage instruction give to the buyer on the order description page
instruction\type Instruction type String. available values: 'url', 'text'
instruction\locales Usage instruction with localizations Array
instruction\locales\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
instruction\locales\value Localization value String
present_product_id Item id provided as a gift to the buyer Integer. for removing: 0
sales_limit Visibility of sales number Available values: empty field - show, -1 - hide, 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <status>Success</status> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "status": "Success" } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\status Response status String

Editing of base props of product. Switch on/off sales.

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/edit/base/{product_id}?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <arbitrary> <enabled>true</enabled> <categories> <owner>0</owner> <category_id>15</category_id> </categories> <categories> <owner>1</owner> <category_id>17</category_id> </categories> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1]]> </value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовый продукт №1 (EN)]]> </value> </name> <description> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание]]> </value> </description> <description> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое описание (EN)]]> </value> </description> <add_info> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание]]> </value> </add_info> <add_info> <locale>en-US</locale> <value> <![CDATA[Тестовое дополнительное описание (EN)]]> </value> </add_info> <price> <price>15</price> <currency>RUB</currency> </price> <comission_partner>32</comission_partner> <bonus> <enabled>true</enabled> <percent>15</percent> </bonus> <guarantee> <enabled>true</enabled> <value>10</value> </guarantee> <address_required>true</address_required> <instruction> <type>text</type> <locales> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Russian text</value> </locales> <locales> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>English text</value> </locales> </instruction> <present_product_id>123321</present_product_id> </arbitrary> { "enabled": true, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовый продукт №1" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test product №1" } ], "price": { "price": 725, "currency": "RUB" }, "comission_partner": 15, "categories": [ { "owner": 0, "category_id": 7074 }, { "owner": 1, "category_id": 18162 } ], "bonus": { "enabled": false, "percent": 5 }, "guarantee": { "enabled": true, "value": 5 }, "description": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовое описание" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test description" } ], "add_info": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Тестовая дополнительная информация" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Test additional information" } ], "address_required": false, "instruction": { "type": "text", "locales": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Русская инструкция" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "English instruction" } ] }, "present_product_id": 123321 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
enabled Product posted for sale Boolean
price Price Required field
price\price The product cost for one unit A fractional number. separator - dot
price\currency Product price currency String. available values: RUB, USD, EUR, UAH
name Item name Array
name\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
name\value Localization value String
comission_partner Commission fee for partners Integer, minimum of 1%;
0 - deduction for selected affiliates only;
-1 - the item is not part of an affiliate program.
categories Item categories Array
categories\owner Category owner Integer. 0 - own store, 1 - Plati.Market, 2 - WMCENTRE, 3 - GGSell
categories\category_id Identifier of the category of own store or marketplace Integer
description Item description Array
description\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
description\value Localization value String
bonus For a favorable review of the purchase
bonus\enabled Bonus enabled Boolean
bonus\percent Percentage of the product price that will be issued to the buyer as a gift certificate Integer
guarantee Refund of payment
guarantee\enabled Guarantee enabled Boolean
guarantee\value Guarantee in days Integer
add_info Additional information Array
add_info\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
address_required Buyer must enter delivery address before paying Boolean
instruction Usage instruction give to the buyer on the order description page
instruction\type Instruction type String. available values: 'url', 'text'
instruction\locales Usage instruction with localizations Array
instruction\locales\locale Localization String. available values: 'ru-RU', 'en-US'
instruction\locales\value Localization value String
present_product_id Item id provided as a gift to the buyer Integer. for removing: 0
sales_limit Visibility of sales number Available values: empty field - show, -1 - hide, 1, 10, 50, 100, 1000
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <status>Success</status> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "status": "Success" } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\status Response status String

Add product images

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/preview/add/images/{product_id}?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Gallery ]: Adding
Method for creating access token
product_id Item id Integer
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc></retdesc> <content> <preview_id>123456</preview_id> <filename>new_file_name.png</filename> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": [{ "preview_id" : 123456, "filename": "new_file_name.png" }] }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body Array
content\preview_id New content id Integer
content\filename File name New file name with which it will be displayed on the product page

Adding a youtube links to the gallery

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/preview/add/videos/{product_id}?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <Preview> <urls>url_to_video</urls> <urls>url_to_video</urls> </Preview> { "urls" : ["url_to_video","url_to_video"] }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Gallery ]: Adding
Method for creating access token
product_id Item id Integer
url Video URL Array of strings
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc></retdesc> <content> <preview_id>123456</preview_id> <url>link_to_image_file</url> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": [ { "preview_id" : 123456, "url": "link_to_image_file" }, { "preview_id" : 123456, "url": "link_to_image_file" } ] }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body Array
content\preview_id New content id Integer
content\url Link to image file String

Changing the image position in gallery

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/preview/options/{type}/{preview_id}?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <PreviewOptions> <enabled>true</enabled> <index>0</index> <delete>false</delete> </PreviewOptions> { "enabled" : true, "index" : 0, "delete" : false }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
type Preview type Строка.
Possible values: image or video
preview_id Preview ID Integer
token Access token Method for creating access token
enabled Enable/disable display of preview on the product page true | false, optional
index Sets the order of the preview when displaying Integer, optional
delete Removes preview from gallery true | false, optional
Response format: Returns HTTP Status Code of the operation performed (possible values: 200, 404, 500)

Bulk update products status

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/edit/V2/status?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <request> <new_status>disabled</new_status> <products>123</products> <products>2345</products> </request> { "new_status": "disabled", "products": [ 123, 2345 ] }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
new_status New product status String. available values: "disabled", "enabled"
products Item id Array. No more than 200 products in 1 request
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <response> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> 03a5e74f-654d-4d60-9585-ff1dcf02fe6f </content> </response> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "errors": null, "content": "03a5e74f-654d-4d60-9585-ff1dcf02fe6f" }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content ID to track task completion If request is invalid, this field will be null
Getting the execution status of an asynchronous task

Adding goods to the marketplace subcategory

This method is relevant only for the marketplace Plati.Market

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/platform/category/add/{product_id}/{category_id}?token={token}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
product_id Item id Integer
category_id Marketplace subcategory id Integer
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
JSON response format: { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "status": "success" } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\status Status String

Getting the category tree of the marketplace

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/dictionary/platforms/categories/{id}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
id Marketplace code Available values: 'plati', 'ggsel', 'wmcentre'
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <id>1</id> <level>0</level> <parent_id>0</parent_id> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Электронные книги</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>EBooks</value> </name> <children> <id>17</id> <level>1</level> <parent_id>1</parent_id> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Бизнес и экономика</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>Business &amp; Economics</value> </name> <children> <id>18</id> <level>2</level> <parent_id>17</parent_id> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Ценные бумаги</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>Securities</value> </name> <can_add>true</can_add> </children> <children> <id>249</id> <level>2</level> <parent_id>17</parent_id> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Для самообразования</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>Self-education</value> </name> <can_add>true</can_add> </children> </children> </content> <content> <id>1</id> <level>0</level> <parent_id>0</parent_id> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Электронные книги</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>EBooks</value> </name> <children> <id>17</id> <level>1</level> <parent_id>1</parent_id> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Бизнес и экономика</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>Business &amp; Economics</value> </name> <children> <id>18</id> <level>2</level> <parent_id>17</parent_id> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Ценные бумаги</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>Securities</value> </name> <can_add>true</can_add> </children> <children> <id>249</id> <level>2</level> <parent_id>17</parent_id> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>Для самообразования</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>Self-education</value> </name> <can_add>true</can_add> </children> </children> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": [ { "id": 4101, "level": 0, "parent_id": 0, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Цифровые товары" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": null } ], "can_add": false, "children": [ { "id": 4115, "level": 1, "parent_id": 4101, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Телефоны, смартфоны" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": null } ], "can_add": true } ] }, { "id": 4101, "level": 0, "parent_id": 0, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Цифровые товары" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Digital goods" } ], "children": [ { "id": 4115, "level": 1, "parent_id": 4101, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Телефоны, смартфоны" } ] } ] } ] }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\id Marketplace category id Integer
content\level Nesting level of the category Integer
content\parent_id Parent category id Integer
content\name Category names Array
content\name\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
content\name\value Category name String
content\can_add Category available for adding products Boolean
content\children Child categories Array

Getting the subcategories of the marketplace

This method is relevant only for the marketplace Plati.Market

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/dictionary/platforms/subcategories/{id}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
id Marketplace category id Integer
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <id>1</id> <title>World of Warcraft</title> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>TIMECARD 60 дней (RUS)</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>TIMECARD 60 days (RUS)</value> </name> </content> <content> <id>2</id> <title>World of Warcraft</title> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>CD-Key WRATH OF THE LICH KING (RUS)</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> </name> </content> <content> <id>3</id> <title>World of Warcraft</title> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>CD-Key BURNING CRUSADE (RUS)</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> </name> </content> <content> <id>4</id> <title>World of Warcraft</title> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>CD-Key Battle Chest 14 дней (RUS)</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>CD-Key Battle Chest 14 days (RUS)</value> </name> </content> <content> <id>5</id> <title>World of Warcraft</title> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>CD-Key Battle Chest 30 дней (RUS)</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>CD-Key Battle Chest 30 days (RUS)</value> </name> </content> <content> <id>876</id> <title>World of Warcraft</title> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>CD-Key Гостевой ключ (RUS)</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>CD-Key Guest Key (RUS)</value> </name> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": [ { "id": 1, "title": "World of Warcraft", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "TIMECARD 60 дней (RUS)" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "TIMECARD 60 days (RUS)" } ] }, { "id": 2, "title": "World of Warcraft", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "CD-Key WRATH OF THE LICH KING (RUS)" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": null } ] }, { "id": 3, "title": "World of Warcraft", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "CD-Key BURNING CRUSADE (RUS)" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": null } ] }, { "id": 4, "title": "World of Warcraft", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "CD-Key Battle Chest 14 дней (RUS)" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "CD-Key Battle Chest 14 days (RUS)" } ] }, { "id": 5, "title": "World of Warcraft", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "CD-Key Battle Chest 30 дней (RUS)" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "CD-Key Battle Chest 30 days (RUS)" } ] }, { "id": 876, "title": "World of Warcraft", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "CD-Key Гостевой ключ (RUS)" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "CD-Key Guest Key (RUS)" } ] } ] }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\id Subcategory ID Integer
content\title Title of category String
content\name Subcategory names Array
content\name\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
content\name\value Subcategory name String

Bulk update of product prices

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/edit/prices?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Accept: "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
JSON request format json [ { "ProductId": 1234567, "Price": 1.25 }, ... ]
Response format 9a968c22-9bc2-439f-bbaf-0f5a368f59a5
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
taskId ID to track task completion
Getting the execution status of an asynchronous task

Getting the execution status of an asynchronous task

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/edit/UpdateProductsTaskStatus?taskId={taskId}&token={token}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
TaskId ID to track task completion
JSON response format json { "TaskId": "c41ab768-2e96-4682-9d5b-c460c8c6c955", "Status": 2, "SuccessCount": 1, "ErrorCount": 1, "TotalCount": 2, "ErrorsDescriptions": [ { "Key": "2790216", "Value": "Продукт не найден или у Вас нет доступа для его редактирования" } ] }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
TaskId ID to track task completion
Status Current task processing status 0 - InQueue, 1 - InProgress, 2 - Error, 3 - Done
SuccessCount Number of successfully processed products
ErrorCount The number of products for which the operation failed
TotalCount Total number of products in the request
ErrorsDescriptions List of errors while executing the request
Key Product ID
Value Error description