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Operations on Digiseller personal account

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/sellers/account/receipts?token={token}&page=1&count=10&currency=WMZ&type=product_sales&type=agent_accurals&codeFilter=hide_waiting_code_check&allowType=exclude&start=2021-12-01T00:00:00.000&finish=2021-12-05T00:00:00.000
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Operations ]: View all operations
Method for creating access token
page Page Integer
count Count Integer
currency Currency WMR|WMZ|WME
type Type of operation String
'agent_accurals' - agent accruals
'product_sales' - product sales
'add_funds' - personal account replenishment
'exchange_response' - return from exchange
'exchange_request' - transfer for exchange
'refund' - returns
'adv_goods' - advertising
'external_commissions' - payment of commissions at payment through aggregators
'hard_disk_rent' - payment for hard disk space
'extra_partner_space' - increase in the number of items in the agent store
'gift_certificates' - issuing of a gift certificate
'transfer_to_wallet' - withdrawal of funds to the purse
codeFilter Operations awaiting code verification String
'only_waiting_check_code' - Only awaiting code verification
'hide_waiting_code_check' - Exclude awaiting code verification
allowType Operations not available for withdrawing String
'exclude' - Exclude unavailable for withdrawing
'only' - Only unavailable for withdrawing
start Date start String. Data format: 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm'
finish Date finish String. Data format: 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm'
JSON response format: json { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "errors": null, "content": { "page": 1, "count": 10, "has_next_page": true, "has_previous_page": false, "total_count": 117, "total_pages": 12, "items": [ { "account_operation_id": 272399831, "operation": { "id": 5674193, "type": "transfer_to_wallet", "datetime": "2021-11-12T14:20:37.137", "percent": 0.00, "price": 0.99, "currency": "WMZ", "on_account": -0.99 }, "owner_id": 0, "product": null, "response": null, "condition": null, "code_check_datetime": null, "date_free": null, "free_description": null }, { "account_operation_id": 272163069, "operation": { "id": 142108335, "type": "product_sale", "datetime": "2021-11-10T17:38:14.653", "percent": 1.50, "price": 0.04, "currency": "WMR", "on_account": 0.03 }, "owner_id": 0, "product": { "id": 123123123, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "123" } ], "deleted": false }, "response": null, "condition": null, "code_check_datetime": null, "date_free": null, "free_description": null } ] } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\page Page Integer
content\count Count Integer
content\total_count Total elements count Integer
content\total_pages Total pages num Integer
content\items Array of elements Array
content\items\account_operation_id Operation ID Integer
content\items\operation Operation details Object
content\items\operation\id Operation ID Integer
content\items\operation\type Type of operation String
'external_commission' - commission for payment through integrators
'transfer_to_wallet' - withdrawal of funds to a wallet
'error_transfer_to_wallet' - withdrawal of funds to the wallet (error)
'issue_gift_certificate' - issue of a gift card
'hard_disk_rent' - additional space arena
'refund' - refund
'chargeback' - refund
'bank_refund' - refund
'partial_refund' - partial refund
'agent_accruals' - agent charges
'product_sale' - sale of goods
'add_funds_to_account' / 'add_funds_to_account_with_limits' - personal account funding
'recommended_product' - advertising
'extra_agent_product_rent' - increase in the number of items in the agent store
'sms_packages' - purchase of SMS package for notifications
'hard_disk_rent_empty' - increase of hard disk space
'exchange_request' - transfer to exchange
'exchange_response' - getting money from exchange
content\items\operation\date Date of operation Date and time
content\items\operation\percent Comission Float
content\items\operation\price Operation price Float
content\items\operation\currency Currency Float
content\items\operation\on_account Operation price Float
content\items\product Product content Object
content\items\product\name Item name Array
content\items\product\deleted Item deleted Boolean
content\items\response User review String "positive" | "negative" | null
content\items\code_check_datetime Date of the verification of the secret code Date and time
content\items\date_free Available after Date and time
content\items\free_description 'wait_check_code' - checks unique code
'wait_delivery' - after confirmation of delivery by the buyer

Operations through external aggregators

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/sellers/account/receipts/external?token={token}&order=Date+DESC&count=10&page=1&code=only&aggregator=enot
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Operations ]: View all operations
Method for creating access token
page Page Integer
count Count Integer
order Sort by String
'ProductId DESC' - product ID, in descending order
'ProductId' - product ID, ascending
'Date DESC' - date of sale, decreasing
'Date' - date of sale, ascending
'Amount DESC' - amount, decreasing
'Amount DESC' - amount, ascending
code Operations awaiting code verification String
'only' - Only awaiting code verification
'exclude' - Exclude awaiting code verification
aggregator Aggregator code String
'yandex' - YooMoney
'enot' - Enot.io
'robokassa' - Robokassa
'paypal' - PayPal
'paymaster' - PayMaster
'interkassa' - InterKassa
'unitpay' - UnitPay
'api' - API
JSON response format: json { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "errors": null, "content": { "page": 13, "count": 10, "has_next_page": true, "has_previous_page": true, "total_count": 378, "total_pages": 38, "items": [ { "id": 123123, "date": "2021-08-10T16:25:11.64", "name": "Invoice name", "cart_id": null, "is_cart": false, "amount": 231.00, "currency_code": "RUB", "payment_status": "success", "ds_set": 33.50, "currency_ds": "WMR", "transaction_id": "2XJ47951MJ864423J", "warning_fee": 0, "items": [ { "operation_id": 123123, "product_id": 123, "product_name": "Product name", "operation_date": "2021-08-10T16:25:11.64", "options_id": 0, "ds_set": 33.50, "currency_ds": "WMR", "warning_fee": 0 } ] }, { "id": 123123123, "date": "2021-08-09T22:00:27.537", "name": "Корзина №5482065", "cart_id": 3028720, "is_cart": true, "amount": 189.00, "currency_code": "RUB", "payment_status": "success", "ds_set": null, "currency_ds": null, "transaction_id": "2XJ47951MJ864423J", "warning_fee": 0, "items": [ { "operation_id": 123123124, "product_id": 123, "product_name": "Product name", "operation_date": "2021-08-09T22:00:32.037", "options_id": 0, "ds_set": 0.95, "currency_ds": "WMR", "warning_fee": 0 }, { "operation_id": 123123125, "product_id": 123, "product_name": "Product name", "operation_date": "2021-08-09T22:00:32.35", "options_id": 0, "ds_set": 0.95, "currency_ds": "WMR", "warning_fee": 0 }, { "operation_id": 123123126, "product_id": 123, "product_name": "Product name", "operation_date": "2021-08-09T22:00:32.613", "options_id": 0, "ds_set": 0.95, "currency_ds": "WMR", "warning_fee": 0 }, { "operation_id": 123123127, "product_id": 123, "product_name": "Product name", "operation_date": "2021-08-09T22:00:31.787", "options_id": 0, "ds_set": 0.95, "currency_ds": "WMR", "warning_fee": 0 }, { "operation_id": 123123128, "product_id": 123, "product_name": "Product name", "operation_date": "2021-08-09T22:00:31.863", "options_id": 0, "ds_set": 0.95, "currency_ds": "WMR", "warning_fee": 0 }, { "operation_id": 123123129, "product_id": 123, "product_name": "Product name", "operation_date": "2021-08-09T22:00:32.193", "options_id": 0, "ds_set": 0.95, "currency_ds": "WMR", "warning_fee": 0 } ] } ] } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\page Page Integer
content\count Count Integer
content\total_count Total elements count Integer
content\total_pages Total pages num Integer
content\items Array of elements Array
content\items\id Order ID Integer
content\items\date Date of sale String.
data format: 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm'
content\items\name The invoice name String
content\items\cart_id Cart ID Integer | null
content\items\amount Amount Float
content\items\currency_code Currency RUB|USD|UAH|EUR
content\items\payment_status Payment status String
content\items\ds_set Sum of all fees Float
content\items\currency_ds Currency of commission String. WMR|WMZ|WME
content\items\transaction_id PayPal only String
content\items\warning_fee Outstanding fee Float. 0 - Paid
content\items\items\operation_id Operation ID Integer
content\items\items\product_name Item name String
content\items\items\operation_date Date of sale String.
data format: 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm'
content\items\items\options_id Unique ID of the selected value set Integer
content\items\items\ds_set Sum of all fees Float
content\items\items\currency_ds Currency of commission String. WMR|WMZ|WME
content\items\items\warning_fee Outstanding fee Float. 0 - Paid

Information about personal account balance

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/sellers/account/balance/info?token={token}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Operations ]: Getting balance
Method for creating access token
JSON response format: json { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "errors": null, "content": { "amount_z_free": 1.10, "amount_z_lock": 0.00, "amount_z_plus": 0.00, "amount_t_free": 0.00, "amount_t_lock": 0.00, "amount_t_plus": 0.00, "amount_e_free": 0.00, "amount_e_lock": 0.00, "amount_e_plus": 0.00, "amount_x_free": 0.00, "amount_x_lock": 0.00, "amount_x_plus": 0.00, "amount_l_free": 0.00, "amount_l_lock": 0.00, "amount_l_plus": 0.00 } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\amount_z_lock Amount of locked WMZ Float
content\amount_z_free Amount of free WMZ Float
content\amount_z_plus Amount of top-ups with limited WMZ Float
content\amount_t_lock Amount of locked WMT Float
content\amount_t_free Amount of free WMT Float
content\amount_t_plus Amount of top-ups with limited WMT Float
content\amount_e_lock Amount of locked WME Float
content\amount_e_free Amount of free WME Float
content\amount_e_plus Amount of top-ups with limited WME Float
content\amount_x_lock Amount of locked WMX Float
content\amount_x_free Amount of free WMX Float
content\amount_x_plus Amount of top-ups with limited WMX Float
content\amount_l_lock Amount of locked WML Float
content\amount_l_free Amount of free WML Float
content\amount_l_plus Amount of top-ups with limited WML Float