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The list of categories (catalog)

  xml json
The URL for sending a request: https://api.digiseller.ru/api/categories?seller_id={seller_id}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: application/json Accept: text/xml
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
seller_id seller ID () integer
category_id category id integer
0 - the entire catalog tree is selected
lang the information display language ru-RU (by default) or en-US
Response format:
XML response example JSON response example
{ "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "category": [ { "id": "0", "name": "", "cnt": "0" }, { "id": "0", "name": "", "cnt": "0", "sub": { "id": "0", "name": "", "cnt": "0" ... } } ... ] } <digiseller.response> <retval></retval> <retdesc></retdesc> <categories> <category cnt="" sub=""> <id></id> <name></name> </category> <category cnt="" sub=""> <id></id> <name></name> <category cnt="" sub=""> <id></id> <name></name> ... </category> </category> ... </categories> </digiseller.response>
Response parameters:
Name Name Comment
retval result code 0 - request sent
retdesc decryption of the request execution code
category list of store categories
category\*\id category id
category\*\name category name
category\*\cnt number of items of category
category\*\sub the list of subcategories
Name Name Comment
retval result code 0 - request sent
retdesc decryption of the request execution code
categories list of store categories
categories\category parameters of category cnt - number of items of category
sub - presence of subcategories in the selected category
categories\category\id category id
categories\category\name category name

The list of products from the category

  xml json
The URL for sending a request: https://api.digiseller.ru/api/shop/products?seller_id={seller_id}&category_id={category_id}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: application/json Accept: text/xml
Request parameters:
seller_idseller IDinteger
category_idcategory idinteger

selection options:
0 - selects products added to the main page
-1 - selects products with a “discount” tag
-2 - selects products with a “new” tag
-3 - selects products with a “popular” tag
pagepage number (if you do not specify the page number, then displays the first page)integer
rowsthe number of rows per pageinteger (default value is 20, max. 500)
orderthe product sorting type ( if you do not specify, then the arrangement of goods as in the "Shop" )name - sorting by name,
nameDESC - sorting by name (reverse),
price - sorting by price,
priceDESC - sorting by price (reverse)
currencythe type of currency for displaying product pricesаUSD, RUR, EUR или UAH
langthe information display languageru-RU (by default) or en-US
Response format:
JSON response example XML response example
{ "retval": "0", "retdesc": "", "lang": "", "totalPages": "0", "totalItems": "0", "breadCrumbs": [ { "id": "0", "name": "" }, ... ], "categories": [ { "id": "0", "name": "", "hasImg": "0", "cnt": "0" }, ... ], "product": [ { "id": "0", "name": "", "cntImg": "0", "info": "", "price": "0", "base_price": "0", "base_currency": "", "currency": "", "price_rub": "0", "price_usd": "0", "price_eur": "0", "price_uah": "0", "partner_comiss": "0", "agency_id": "0", "collection": "", "is_available": 0, "has_discount": 0, "id_present": 0, "sale_info": { "common_base_price": "", "common_price_usd": "", "common_price_rur": "", "common_price_eur": "", "common_price_uah": "", "sale_end": "", "sale_percent": "" }, "label": "" }, ... ] } <digiseller.response> <retval></retval> <retdesc></retdesc> <categories> <category cnt=""> <id></id> <name></name> <category cnt=""> <id></id> <name></name> ... </category> </category> </categories> <seller> <id></id> </seller> <pages cnt=""> <num></num> <rows></rows> </pages> <subcategories> <subcategory cnt=""> <id></id> <name></name> </subcategory> <subcategory cnt=""> <id></id> <name></name> </subcategory> ... </subcategories> <products cnt=""> <order></order> <currency></currency> <product img="" icon=""> <id></id> <name><![CDATA[]]></name> <info><![CDATA[]]></info> <price></price> <base_price></base_price> <base_currency></base_currency> <price_rub></price_rub> <price_usd></price_usd> <price_eur></price_eur> <price_uah></price_uah> <partner_comiss></partner_comiss> <collection></collection> <in_stock></in_stock> <num_in_stock></num_in_stock> <has_discount></has_discount> <id_present></id_present> <sale_info> <common_base_price></common_base_price> <common_price_usd></common_price_usd> <common_price_rur></common_price_rur> <common_price_eur></common_price_eur> <common_price_uah></common_price_uah> <sale_end></sale_end> <sale_percent></sale_percent> </sale_info> </product> ... </products> </digiseller.response>
Response parameters:
retvalresult code0 - request sent
retdescdecryption of the request execution code
product\\totalPagestotal pages num
product\\totalItemstotal products
breadCrumbsthe path to the chosen category, the category list
breadCrumbs\\idcategory id
breadCrumbs\\namecategory name
categoriesthe list of subcategories
categories\\idsubcategory ID
categories\\namesubcategory name
categories\\cntnumber of items of subcategory
productproduct list parameters
product\\iditem id
product\\nameitem name
product\\cntImgthe number of images
product\\infoproduct description
product\\base_pricethe price in the base currency set by the seller
product\\base_currencythe base currency
product\\price_rubprice, RUB
product\\price_usdprice, USD
product\\price_eurprice, EUR
product\\price_uahprice, UAH
product\\partner_comisspartner reward %
product\\agency_idpartner id
product\\collectionthe type of product contentdigi | pins | unit | book | soft
product\\is_availableproduct availability0 – product is out of stock
1 – product is in stock
Attention! If you want the method to return product information even if it’s out of stock, make sure that the “Out of stock products” parameter is set to “show” on the display settings page
product\\num_in_stockthe quantity of products available for purchaseTo get this information, you need to contact the service’s support team and confirm your intention to make this parameter public.
The parameter is available only with token by default.
product\\has_discountthe discount for regular buyers0 - no discount is given
1 – discount is given
product\\id_presentID of present item0 - present is not set
product\\sale_infosale information
product\\sale_info\common_base_pricebase price before sale
product\\sale_info\common_price_usdprice before sale. currency: USD
product\\sale_info\common_price_rurprice before sale. currency: RUR
product\\sale_info\common_price_eurprice before sale. currency: EUR
product\\sale_info\common_price_uahprice before sale. currency: UAH
product\\sale_info\sale_endsale expiration date
product\\sale_info\sale_percentdiscount percent
product\\iconpresence of a “sale”, “new”, “top” tag
retvalresult code0 - request sent
retdescdecryption of the request execution code
categoriesthe path to the chosen category
categories\categorythe category listcnt - number of items of category
categories\category\idcategory id
categories\category\namecategory name
seller\idthe seller identifier passed in the request
subcategories\subcategorythe list of subcategoriescnt - number of items of subcategory
subcategories\subcategory\idsubcategory ID
subcategories\subcategory\namesubcategory name
pagespage parametersattribute cnt-the number of pages
pages\numthe page number passed in the request
pages\rowsthe number of rows per page
productsproduct list parameters
products\orderthe product sorting type passed in the request
products\currencythe type of currency passed in the request for displaying the price
products\productproduct optionsattribute img - presence/absence (yes/no) of a thumbnail image
attribute icon - presence of a “sale”, “new”, “top” tag
products\product\iditem id
products\product\nameitem name
products\product\infoproduct description
products\product\base_pricethe price in the base currency set by the seller
products\product\base_currencythe base currency
products\product\partner_comisspartner reward %
products\product\collectionthe type of product contentdigi | pins | unit | book | soft
products\product\in_stockproduct availability0 – product is out of stock
1 – product is in stock
Attention! If you want the method to return product information even if it’s out of stock, make sure that the “Out of stock products” parameter is set to “show” on the display settings page
products\product\num_in_stockthe quantity of products available for purchaseTo get this information, you need to contact the service’s support team and confirm your intention to make this parameter public.
The parameter is available only with token by default.
products\product\has_discountthe discount for regular buyers0 - no discount is given
1 – discount is given
products\product\id_presentID of present item0 - present is not set
products\sale_infosale information
products\sale_info\common_base_pricebase price before sale
products\sale_info\common_price_usdprice before sale. currency: USD
products\sale_info\common_price_rurprice before sale. currency: RUR
products\sale_info\common_price_eurprice before sale. currency: EUR
products\sale_info\common_price_uahprice before sale. currency: UAH
products\sale_info\sale_endsale expiration date
products\sale_info\sale_percentdiscount percent

Quickly get product descriptions from ID list

The URL for sending a request: https://api.digiseller.ru/api/products/list?ids=0,0&lang=en-US
Request headers: Content-Type: "application/xml"
Accept: "application/xml"
Content-Type: "application/json"
Accept: "application/json"
Method: GET | POST
Request format: <digiseller.request> <ids> <id></id> ... </ids> <lang></lang> <token></token> </digiseller.request>
Request format: { "ids":[ 0, ... ], "lang": "", "token": "" }
Request parameters:
ids\iditems idsinteger (less than 2000)
langthe information display languageru-RU (by default) or en-US
token the token, received from api/apilogin, if specified and belongs to the owner of the product, then the values of the parameters num_in_stock, cnt_sell and cnt_return will not be hidden;
min. permission: [ Products ]: View
optional parameter
Response format:
<digiseller.response> <product> <id></id> <id_seller></id_seller> <name></name> <info></info> <add_info></add_info> <collection></collection> <base_currency></base_currency> <base_price></base_price> <price_usd></price_usd> <price_rub></price_rub> <price_eur></price_eur> <price_uah></price_uah> <cnt_sell>63</cnt_sell> <cnt_sell_hidden>0</cnt_sell_hidden> <cnt_return>0</cnt_return> <cnt_return_hidden>0</cnt_return_hidden> <in_stock></in_stock> <num_in_stock></num_in_stock> <num_in_lock></num_in_lock> <sale_info> <common_base_price></common_base_price> <common_price_usd></common_price_usd> <common_price_rur></common_price_rur> <common_price_eur></common_price_eur> <common_price_uah></common_price_uah> <sale_begin></sale_begin> <sale_end></sale_end> <sale_percent></sale_percent> </sale_info> </product> ... </digiseller.response>
Response format:
[ { "id": 0, "id_seller": 0, "name": "", "info": "", "add_info": "", "collection": "", "base_currency": "", "base_price": 0.00, "price_usd": 0.00, "price_rub": 0.00, "price_eur": 0.00, "price_uah": 0.00, "cnt_sell": 63, "cnt_sell_hidden": 0, "cnt_return": 0, "cnt_return_hidden": 0, "in_stock": 1, "num_in_stock": 0, "num_in_lock": 0, "owner_id": 0, "release_date": null "sale_info": { "common_base_price": 0.00, "common_price_usd": 0.00, "common_price_rur": 0.00, "common_price_eur": 0.00, "common_price_uah": 0.00, "sale_begin": "30.12.2020 13:00:00", "sale_end": "31.12.2020 20:00:00", "sale_percent": 0.00 } }, ... ]
Response parameters:
product\iditem id
product\id_sellerseller ID
product\nameitem nameCDATA
product\infoproduct descriptionCDATA
product\add_infoadditional information about the productCDATA
product\collectionthe type of product contentdigi | pins | unit | book | soft
product\base_currencythe base currency
product\base_pricethe price in the base currency set by the seller
product\price_usdprice in usd
product\price_rubprice in rub
product\price_eurprice in eur
product\price_uahprice in uah
product\cnt_sellthe number of salesint; -1 means completely hidden.
To make this property open to everyone, you need to enable the "Visibility of sales number" parameter in the product settings. By default, the parameter value is available only with the product owner token.
product\cnt_sell_hiddendisplay mode of sales number0 - sales are visible
1 - sales are hidden (real number of sales > cnt_sell)
product\cnt_returnnumber of refundsint; -1 means completely hidden.
To make this property open to everyone, you need to enable the "Visibility of sales number" parameter in the product settings. By default, the parameter value is available only with the product owner token.
product\cnt_return_hiddenrefunds number display mode0 - returns are visible
1 - returns are hidden (real number or returns > cnt_return)
product\in_stockproduct availability0 - product is missing; 1 - product in stock.
product\num_in_stockthe quantity of products available for purchaseTo make this property open to everyone, you need to enable the "Visibility of the quantity" parameter in the product settings. By default, the parameter value is available only with the product owner token.
product\num_in_locknumber of items reserved for payment
product\owner_idmarketplace code
product\release_daterelease date
product\sale_infosale information
product\sale_info\common_base_pricebase price before sale
product\sale_info\common_price_usdprice before sale. currency: USD
product\sale_info\common_price_rurprice before sale. currency: RUR
product\sale_info\common_price_eurprice before sale. currency: EUR
product\sale_info\common_price_uahprice before sale. currency: UAH
product\sale_info\sale_beginsale start date
product\sale_info\sale_endsale expiration date
product\sale_info\sale_percentdiscount percent

Product description

  xml json
The URL for sending a request: https://api.digiseller.ru/api/products/{product_id}/data
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: application/json Accept: text/xml
Request parameters:
product_iditem idinteger
seller_idoptional parameter, specify it if you use a cart. Product seller’s or your own identifier (if the product belongs to you or if you’ve added it to your store)integer
partner_uidpartner UID (for tracking individual commission payments)[sign in to see the UID]
currencycurrencyUSD (by default) or RUB | EUR | UAH
langthe information display languageru-RU (by default) or en-US
token the token, received from api/apilogin, if specified and belongs to the owner of the product, then the value of the parameter num_in_stock will not be hidden;
min. permission: [ Products ]: View
optional parameter
ownerif the value = 1 is passed, the response will contain all payment methods supported by the marketplace (if the product is placed on the marketplace)optional parameter
showHiddenVariantswhen passing value = 1, the response will contain all variants of parameter valuesoptional parameter
Response format:
JSON response example XML response example
{ "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "queryId": "", "product": { "id": 2661878, "id_prev": 2657311, "id_next": 0, "name": "Бугрики", "price": 1.12, "currency": "USD", "is_available": 1, "url": "", "info": "тест уникального товара", "add_info": "", "release_date": "28.05.2019 14:32:39", "agency_fee": 1.12, "agency_sum": 0.12, "agency_id": 0, "collection": "unit", "propertygood": 2, "show_rest": 1, "num_in_stock": 3, "num_in_lock": 2, "pwyw": 0, "label": "", "prices": { "initial": { "RUB": 0.12, "USD": 0.12, "EUR": 0.12, "UAH": 0.12, "mBTC": 0.123456, "mLTC": 0.123456 }, "default": { "RUB": 0.12, "USD": 0.12, "EUR": 0.12, "UAH": 0.12, "mBTC": 0.123456, "mLTC": 0.123456 } }, "payment_methods": [ { "name": "WebMoney", "currencies": [ { "currency": "USD", "code": "WMZ", "price": 0.1234 "limit": { "min": 0.10, "max": 5000.00, "currency": "USD" } }, ... ], }, ... ], "prices_unit": { "unit_name": "BUG", "unit_amount": 1.12, "unit_amount_desc": "RUB", "unit_currency": "USD", "unit_cnt": 1.12, "unit_cnt_min": 100, "unit_cnt_max": 500, "unit_cnt_desc": "", "unit_fixed": [ 100, ... ], "unit_only_int": 1 }, "preview_imgs": [ { "id": 1, "url": "http..", "width": 320, "height": 240 }, ... ], "preview_videos": [ { "type": "youtube", "id": "1", "preview": "http.." }, ... ], "type": "text", "text": { "date": "28.05.2019 14:32:39", "size": 16 }, "file": { "date": "28.05.2019 14:32:39", "size": 16, "name": "trial-app.zip", "trial": 1 }, "category_id": 78099, "breadcrumbs": [ { "id": 78099, "name": "Тестирование [виджета]", "products_cnt": 17 }, ... ], "discounts": [ { "summa": 100.0, "percent": 20.0 }, ... ], "units": { "desc": "1 BUG", "price": 1.0, "discounts": [ { "desc": "discount descrition", "percent": 3.0, "price": 80.0 }, ... ] }, "present": { "id": 1, "name": "some present" }, "gift_commiss": 5.0, "options": [ { "name": "", "label": "", "comment": "", "type": "", "separate_content": 1, "required": 1, "modifier_visible": 1, "variants": [ { "value": 1, "text": "", "default": 1, "modify": "", "modify_type": "", "modify_value": 0, "modify_value_default": 0, "num_in_stock": 0 "visible": 1 }, ... ] }, ... ], "options_check": 1, "statistics": { "sales": 0, "refunds": 0, "good_reviews": 0, "bad_reviews": 0, "sales_hidden": 0, "refunds_hidden": 0, "good_reviews_hidden": 0, "bad_reviews_hidden": 0 }, "seller": { "id": 12126, "name": "WYSIWYG" }, "sale_info": { "common_base_price": 0.0, "common_price_usd": 0.0, "common_price_rub": 0.0, "common_price_eur": 0.0, "common_price_uah": 0.0, "sale_end": "28.05.2019 14:32:39", "sale_percent": 0.0 } } } <digiseller.response> <retval></retval> <retdesc></retdesc> <product icon=""> <id></id> <name></name> <url></url> <info></info> <add_info></add_info> <release_date></release_date> <agency_fee></agency_fee> <collection></collection> <propertygood></propertygood> <in_stock></in_stock> <is_available></is_available> <show_rest></show_rest> <num_in_stock></num_in_stock> <num_in_lock></num_in_lock> <prices> <initial> <price> <currency>RUB</currency> <price>0.12</price> </price> ... </initial> <default> <price> <currency>RUB</currency> <price>10.12</price> </price> ... </default> </prices> <payment_methods> <payment_method> <name></name> <currencies> <currency> <currency></currency> <code></code> <price></price> <limit> <min></min> <max></max> <currency></currency> </limit> </currency> ... </currencies> </payment_method> ... </payment_methods> <prices_unit> <unit_name>ЕД</unit_name> <unit_amount>0,15</unit_amount> <unit_amount_desc>RUB</unit_amount_desc> <unit_currency>USD</unit_currency> <unit_cnt>1</unit_cnt> <unit_cnt_min></unit_cnt_min> <unit_cnt_max></unit_cnt_max> <unit_cnt_desc></unit_cnt_desc> <unit_fixed> <unit_fixed>1</unit_fixed> <unit_fixed>10</unit_fixed> <unit_fixed>100</unit_fixed> </unit_fixed> <unit_only_int></unit_only_int> </prices_unit> <preview_imgs cnt=""> <preview_img id=""> <img_small height="" width=""></img_small> <img_real height="" width=""></img_real> </preview_img> ... </preview_imgs> <preview_videos cnt=""> <preview_video> <type></type> <id></id> <preview></preview> </preview_video> ... </preview_videos> <type></type> <text> <date></date> <size></size> </text> <file> <date></date> <size></size> <name></name> <trial></trial> </file> <categories> <category cnt=""> <id></id> <name></name> <category cnt=""> <id></id> <name></name> ... </category> </category> </categories> <discounts> <discount> <summa></summa> <percent></percent> </discount> ... </discounts> <units> <desc></desc> <price></price> <discounts> <discount> <desc></desc> <percent></percent> <price></price> </discount> ... </discounts> </units> <present> <id></id> <name></name> </present> <gift_commiss>0</gift_commiss> <options> <option> <name></name> <label></label> <comment></comment> <type></type> <separate_content>1</separate_content> <required>1</required> <modifier_visible>1</modifier_visible> <variants> <variant> <value></value> <text></text> <default>0</default> <modify></modify> <modify_type></modify_type> <modify_value>0</modify_value> <modify_value_default>0</modify_value_default> <num_in_stock>0</num_in_stock> <visible>1</visible> </variant> ... </variants> </option> ... </options> <options_check></options_check> <statistics> <sales></sales> <refunds></refunds> <good_reviews></good_reviews> <bad_reviews></bad_reviews> <sales_hidden></sales_hidden> <refunds_hidden></refunds_hidden> <good_reviews_hidden></good_reviews_hidden> <bad_reviews_hidden></bad_reviews_hidden> </statistics> <seller> <id></id> <name></name> </seller> <sale_info> <common_base_price></common_base_price> <common_price_usd></common_price_usd> <common_price_rub></common_price_rub> <common_price_eur></common_price_eur> <common_price_uah></common_price_uah> <sale_end></sale_end> <sale_percent></sale_percent> </sale_info> </product> </digiseller.response>
Response parameters:
retvalresult code0 - request sent
retdescdecryption of the request execution code
productproduct characteristicsattribute icon - presence of a “sale”, “new”, “top” tag
product\iditem id
product\id_prevID of the previous item in the category
product\id_nextID of the next item in the category
product\nameitem name
product\currencyprice currency
product\urlURL of Item
product\infoproduct description
product\add_infoadditional information about the product
product\release_dateproduct release datefor products of the “preorder” type
product\agency_feeagent commission
product\agency_sumagent commission
product\agency_idagent ID
product\collectiontype of itembook - e-book | digi - digital product | pins - pin codes | soft - software | unit - non-fixed price item
product\propertygoodcontent of the item1 - universal, 2 - unique
product\is_availableproduct availability0 - the product is out of stock
1 - the product is in stock
product\show_restvisibility of the quantity0 - hiding
1 - no hiding, the value in the parameter num_in_stock
product\num_in_stockthe quantity of products available for purchaseTo get this information, you need to either pass the owner token or enable showing the remainder in the product settings. This parameter is inaccessible by default.
see description of input parameter token.
product\num_in_locknumber of items reserved for payment
product\pricesmain price indicatorsApplicable only for products with a fixed price (collection != Unit). Calculate the unit cost of a non-fixed price item (collection == unit) using this API method .
product\prices\initialbase price
product\prices\defaultprimary payment method price
product\payment_methodsmethods of payment
product\payment_methods\namepayment method
product\payment_methods\currenciescurrency list
product\payment_methods\currencies\codethree-character payment method code
product\payment_methods\currencies\limitpayment method restrictions (if any)
product\payment_methods\currencies\limit\minminimum payment
product\payment_methods\currencies\limit\maxmaximum payment
product\prices_unitprice of a unique item with a non-fixed price
product\prices_unit\unit_nameunit name
product\prices_unit\unit_amountitem unit
product\prices_unit\unit_amount_descitem unit
product\prices_unit\unit_cnt_minminimum purchase is
product\prices_unit\unit_cnt_maxmaximum purchase is
product\prices_unit\unit_fixedfixed values for the number of units
product\prices_unit\unit_only_intwhole number only (not fractional)
product\preview_imgsthumbnail image parameters
product\preview_imgs\urlthe URL of the real image
product\preview_imgs\widththe width of the image in pixels
product\preview_imgs\heightthe height of the image in pixels
product\preview_videospreview video parameters
product\preview_videos\typethe video typeyoutube or vimeo
product\preview_videos\previewthe video preview image
product\preview_imgsthumbnail image parametersattribute cnt - the number of images
product\preview_imgs\preview_imgimage parametersattribute id
product\preview_imgs\preview_img\img_smallURL of small imageattribute width-the width of the image in pixels
the height attribute – height of the image in pixels
product\preview_imgs\preview_img\img_realthe URL of the real imageattribute width-the width of the image in pixels
the height attribute – height of the image in pixels
product\preview_videospreview video parametersattribute cnt - the number of videos
product\preview_videos\preview_video\video_typethe video typeyoutube or vimeo
product\preview_videos\preview_video\video_previewthe video preview image
product\typetype of itemtext - product as a text
file – product as a file
product\textproduct parameters (“text” product type)
product\text\datethe date of publishingformat: DD.MM.YYYY h:mm:ss
product\text\sizenumber of symbols
product\fileproduct options (type of item file)
product\file\datethe date of publishingformat: DD.MM.YYYY h:mm:ss
product\file\sizefile size (bytes)
product\file\namefile name
product\file\trialthe URL of the trial version of the product
product\category_idcategory idTo get this information, you need to pass the value of the seller_id input parameter.
product\breadcrumbsthe path to the categoryTo get this information, you need to pass the value of the seller_id input parameter.
product\breadcrumbs\idcategory id
product\breadcrumbs\namecategory name
product\breadcrumbs\products_cntnumber of items of category
product\categoriesthe path to the categoryTo get this information, you need to pass the value of the seller_id input parameter.
product\categories\categorythe category listattribute cnt - number of items of category
product\categories\category\idcategory id
product\categories\category\namecategory name
product\categories\category\categorythe category listattribute cnt - number of items of category
product\discountsparameters of discounts for regular customers
product\discounts\discountdiscount parameters
product\discounts\discount\summathe threshold value for the purchase amount
product\discounts\discount\percentdiscount percentage
product\unitsfor products with a free price or a “pay as much as you want” model
product\units\descunit name
product\units\priceprice per unit
product\units\discountsdiscount depending on the volume of purchases of unit products
product\present\idpresent ID
product\present\namepresent name
product\gift_commissthe percentage of the value of the goods allocated to the gift
product\optionsproduct parameters that the buyer defines on the payment form (if they are defined)
product\options\optionmodel of the product parameter
product\options\option\namethe system id of the parameter
product\options\option\labelthe text name of the parameter
product\options\option\commentthe description (tip) of the parameter
product\options\option\typeparameter type(textarea | checkbox | text | radio | select)
product\options\option\separate_contentindication of separate content by product parameter variant0 | 1
product\options\option\requiredthe sign of compulsoriness for parameter definition by the buyer
product\options\option\modifier_visiblehide price modifier
product\options\option\variantsa set of limited variants of parameter values (for checkbox, radio, select types)
product\options\option\variants\variantan option
product\options\option\variants\variant\valueoption value
product\options\option\variants\variant\textoption label
product\options\option\variants\variant\defaultis option selected by default
product\options\option\variants\variant\modifychange in the price of goods when choosing this option
product\options\option\variants\variant\modify_typetype of price change (currency, if absolute value or %, if percentage change)% | USD | RUB | EUR | UAH
product\options\option\variants\variant\modify_valueprice change value (in modify_type units)
product\options\option\variants\variant\modify_value_defaultprice change value in primary payment method
product\options\option\variants\variant\num_in_stockthe quantity of products available for purchase;
relevant if separate content by product parameter variant is set
To get this information, you need to either pass the owner token or enable showing the remainder in the product settings. This parameter is inaccessible by default.
see description of input parameter token.
product\options\option\variants\variant\visiblevisibility1 - not hidden
otherwise - hidden
product\options_checkindicator of the enabled option "before paying, send the parameters to my server to be checked” (defined in product Parameters)0 | 1
product\statisticsproduct statistics parameters
product\statistics\salesthe number of salesint; -1 means completely hidden
product\statistics\sales_hiddendisplay mode of sales number0 - sales are visible
1 - sales are hidden (real number of sales > sales)
product\statistics\refundsnumber of refunds-1 means completely hidden
product\statistics\refunds_hiddenrefunds number display mode0 - refunds are visible
1 - refunds are hidden (real number or refunds > refunds)
product\statistics\good_reviewsthe number of positive reviewsint; -1 means completely hidden
product\statistics\good_reviews_hiddendisplay mode of the number of good responses0 - good reviews are visible
1 - good reviews are hidden (real number or good reviews > good_reviews)
product\statistics\bad_reviewsthe number of negative reviewsint; -1 means completely hidden
product\statistics\bad_reviews_hiddendisplay mode of the number of bad responses0 - bad reviews are visible
1 - bad reviews are hidden (real number or bad reviews > bad_reviews)
product\seller\idseller ID
product\seller\namepresent if not passed as a request parameter
product\sale_infosale information
product\sale_info\common_base_pricebase price before sale
product\sale_info\common_price_usdprice before sale. currency: USD
product\sale_info\common_price_rubprice before sale. currency: RUB
product\sale_info\common_price_eurprice before sale. currency: EUR
product\sale_info\common_price_uahprice before sale. currency: UAH
product\sale_info\sale_endsale expiration date
product\sale_info\sale_percentdiscount percent

Obtaining a price taking into account the input values of the parameters and/or quantity of the product

  xml json
The URL for sending a request: https://api.digiseller.ru/api/products/price/calc
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "application/json" Accept: "application/xml"
Request parameters:
product_iditem idinteger
options[]enumeration of identifier-value pairs
for significant parameters (affecting the price)
an identifier-value pair is specified as {optionId}:{valueId},
e.g. ?options[]=28532:41541&options[]=28530:41534
currencycurrencythree-character payment method code (WMR | WMZ | ... )
amounttotal price based on the specified quantity of the product
unit_cntquantity of the product with a non-fixed pricethe parameter is required for a product with a non-fixed price
countquantity of the product with a fixed price
Response format:
{ "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "data": { "price": 0, "count": 0, "amount": 0, "currency": "", "commission": 0, "sale_info": { "common_base_price": 0, "sale_percent": 0 } } } <digiseller.response> <retval></retval> <retdesc></retdesc> <data> <price></price> <count></count> <amount></amount> <currency></currency> <commission></commission> <sale_info> <common_base_price></common_base_price> <sale_percent></sale_percent> </sale_info> </data> </digiseller.response>
Response parameters:
retvalresult code0 - success;
1 - restriction on the purchase of the minimum number of units;
2 - restriction on the purchase of the maximum or available number of units;
3 - restriction of the payment method by the amount of payment;
5 - restriction on the purchase of the available number of units;
33 - the product is out of stock or the sale is suspended.
retdescdecryption of the request execution code
dataprice information
data/priceprice in base currency
data/countquantity of the product, based on the total price
data/amounttotal price based on the specified quantity of the product
data/currencycurrency type
data/commissioncommission depending on the method of payment
data/sale_infosale information
data/sale_info/common_base_priceprice of the product before sale
data/sale_info/sale_percentsale percentage

Products reviews

  xml json
The URL for sending a request: https://api.digiseller.ru/api/reviews?seller_id={seller_id}&product_id={product_id}&type={type}&page={page}&rows={rows}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: application/json Accept: text/xml
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
seller_id seller ID integer
product_id item id integer;
optional parameter
type type of feedback good - positive
bad - negative
all - all
owner_id marketplace identifier 0 - own shop
1 - plati.market
1271 - ggesel
9295 - wmcenter.net
page page number (if you do not specify the page number, then displays the first page) integer
rows the number of rows per page integer
lang the information display language ru-RU (by default) or en-US
Response format:
JSON response example XML response example
{ "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "totalPages": 0, "totalItems": 0, "totalGood": 0, "totalBad": 0, "reviews": [ { "id": 0, "invoice_id": 0, "owner_id": 0, "type": "", "good": 0, "name": "", "date": "", "info": "", "comment": "" } ... ] } <digiseller.response> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc/> <seller> <id></id> </seller> <product> <id></id> </product> <pages cnt=""> <num></num> <rows></rows> </pages> <reviews cnt="" good="" bad=""> <review id=""> <invoice_id></invoice_id> <owner_id></owner_id> <type></type> <date></date> <info></info> <comment></comment> <product><id></id></product> </review> ... </reviews> </digiseller.response>
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval result code 0 - request sent
retdesc decryption of the request execution code
totalPages total pages num
totalItems total reviews
totalGood total positive reviews
totalBad total negative reviews
seller\id the seller identifier passed in the request
product\id the product identifier passed in the request
pages page parameters attribute cnt-the number of pages
pages\num the page number passed in the request
pages\rows the number of rows per page
reviews review parameters attribute cnt - total reviews;
attribute good - total positive reviews;
attribute bad - total negative reviews
reviews\review review parameters attribute id-response id
reviews\review\id response id
reviews\review\invoice_id order ID
reviews\review\owner_id marketplace identifier 0 - own shop
1 - plati.market
1271 - ggesel
9295 - wmcenter.net
reviews\review\type type of feedback good - positive
bad - negative
reviews\review\good item id present if not passed as a request parameter
reviews\review\name product name present if not passed as a request parameter
reviews\review\date date of feedback
reviews\review\info review content
reviews\review\comment seller comment
reviews\review\product\id item id present if not passed as a request parameter

Items of seller

The URL for sending a request: https://api.digiseller.ru/api/seller-goods?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - response format
XML request format: JSON request format: xml json <digiseller.request> <id_seller>12126</id_seller> <order_col>cntsell</order_col> <order_dir>desc</order_dir> <rows>10</rows> <page>1</page> <currency>RUR</currency> <lang>ru-RU</lang> <show_hidden>1</show_hidden> <owner_id>null</owner_id> </digiseller.request> { "id_seller": 12126, "order_col": "cntsell", "order_dir": "desc", "rows": 10, "page": 1, "currency": "RUR", "lang": "ru-RU", "show_hidden": 1, "owner_id": null }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
id_seller seller ID () integer
order_col sorting field
  • "name" - name
  • "price" - price
  • "cntsell" - the number of sales (default)
  • "cntreturn" - number of refunds
  • "cntgoodresponses" - the number of positive reviews
  • "cntbadresponses" - the number of negative reviews
order_dir sorting order
  • "asc" - ascending
  • "desc" - descending (by default)
rows number per page integer (10 by default, 2000 max)
page page number integer (default 1)
currency currency to display prices of items USD | RUR | EUR | UAH
lang the information display language ru-RU (default) or en-US
show_hidden hidden goods;
to get hidden goods, passing the token GET parameter is required.
0 - no hidden goods
1 - with hidden goods
2 - only hidden goods
optional parameter
owner_id marketplace identifier integer
optional parameter
token the token, received from api/apilogin, if specified and belongs to the owner of the product, then the value of the parameter num_in_stock will not be hidden;
min. permission: [ Products ]: View
optional parameter
Request encoding: UTF-8
XML response format:
XML response example JSON response format:
xml json <digiseller.response> <retval>0</retval> <id_seller>12126</id_seller> <name_seller>WYSIWYG</name_seller> <cnt_goods>16</cnt_goods> <pages>2</pages> <page>1</page> <order_col>cntsell</order_col> <order_dir>desc</order_dir> <rows cnt="10"> <row id="2080515"> <id_goods>2080515</id_goods> <name_goods>TestItem</name_goods> <info_goods> <![CDATA[Testing item]]> </info_goods> <add_info> <![CDATA[Testing item]]> </add_info> <price>9.00</price> <currency>RUR</currency> <cnt_sell>63</cnt_sell> <cnt_sell_hidden>0</cnt_sell_hidden> <cnt_return>0</cnt_return> <cnt_return_hidden>0</cnt_return_hidden> <cnt_goodresponses>1</cnt_goodresponses> <cnt_goodresponses_hidden>0</cnt_goodresponses_hidden> <cnt_badresponses>2</cnt_badresponses> <cnt_badresponses_hidden>0</cnt_badresponses_hidden> <price_usd>0.15</price_usd> <price_rur>9.00</price_rur> <price_eur>0.13</price_eur> <price_uah>3.92</price_uah> <in_stock>1</in_stock> <num_in_stock>1</num_in_stock> <visible>1</visible> <commiss_agent>1</commiss_agent> <has_discount>0</has_discount> <num_options>0</num_options> <sale_info> <common_base_price></common_base_price> <common_price_usd></common_price_usd> <common_price_rur></common_price_rur> <common_price_eur></common_price_eur> <common_price_uah></common_price_uah> <sale_end></sale_end> <sale_percent></sale_percent> </sale_info> <owner_id>0</owner_id> </row> ... </rows> </digiseller.response> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "id_seller": 12126, "name_seller": "WYSIWYG", "cnt_goods": 16, "pages": 2, "page": 1, "order_col": "cntsell", "order_dir": "desc", "rows": [ { "id_goods": 2080515, "name_goods": "TestItem", "info_goods": "Testing item", "add_info": "Testing item", "price": 9, "currency": "RUR", "cnt_sell": 63, "cnt_sell_hidden": 0, "cnt_return": 0, "cnt_return_hidden": 0, "cnt_goodresponses": 1, "cnt_goodresponses_hidden": 0, "cnt_badresponses": 2, "cnt_badresponses_hidden": 0, "price_usd": 0.15, "price_rur": 9.00, "price_eur": 0.13, "price_uah": 3.92, "in_stock": 1, "num_in_stock": 1, "visible": 1, "commiss_agent": 1, "has_discount": 0, "num_options": 0, "sale_info": { "common_base_price": null, "common_price_usd": null, "common_price_rur": null, "common_price_eur": null, "common_price_uah": null, "sale_end": null, "sale_percent": null }, "owner_id": 0 }, ... ] }
Response parameters:
retvalresult code0 - success
request validation error codes:
1 - invalid parameter is specified id_seller
2 - invalid parameter is specified page
3 - invalid parameter is specified rows
4 - invalid parameter is specified currency
5 - invalid parameter is specified order_col
6 - invalid parameter is specified order_dir
retdescdecryption of the request execution code
id_sellerseller ID
name_sellernickname of the seller
cnt_goodsthe total number of products
pagesthe number of pages
pagethe current page number
order_colsorting field
order_dirsorting order
rowsthe list of store productscnt - product price currency
rows\rowproduct optionsid - item id
rows\row\id_goodsitem id
rows\row\name_goodsitem nameCDATA
rows\row\info_goodsinformation about the productCDATA
rows\row\add_goodsadditional infoCDATA
rows\row\currencyproduct price currencyRUR|USD|UAH|EUR
rows\row\cnt_sellthe number of salesint; -1 means completely hidden
rows\row\cnt_sell_hiddendisplay mode of sales number0 - sales are visible
1 - sales are hidden (real number of sales > cnt_sell)
rows\row\cnt_returnnumber of refundsint; -1 means completely hidden
rows\row\cnt_return_hiddenrefunds number display mode0 - returns are visible
1 - returns are hidden (real number or returns > cnt_return)
rows\row\cnt_goodresponsesthe number of positive reviewsint; -1 means completely hidden
rows\row\cnt_goodresponses_hiddendisplay mode of the number of good responses0 - good responses are visible
1 - good responses are hidden (real number or good responses > cnt_goodresponses)
rows\row\cnt_badresponsesthe number of negative reviewsint; -1 means completely hidden
rows\row\cnt_badresponses_hiddendisplay mode of the number of bad responses0 - bad reviews are visible
1 - bad reviews are hidden (real number or bad responses > cnt_badresponses)
rows\row\price_usdproduct price in USD
rows\row\price_rurproduct price in RUR
rows\row\price_eurproduct price in UER
rows\row\price_uahproduct price in UAH
rows\row\in_stockproduct availability0 – product is out of stock
1 – product is in stock
Attention! If you want the method to return product information even if it’s out of stock, make sure that the “Out of stock products” parameter is set to “show” on the display settings page
rows\row\num_in_stockthe quantity of products available for purchaseTo make this property open to everyone, you need to enable the "Visibility of the quantity" parameter in the product settings. By default, the parameter value is available only with the product owner token.
rows\row\visiblevisibility1 - not hidden
otherwise - hidden
rows\row\commiss_agentpartner reward
rows\row\has_discountthe discount for regular buyers0 - no discount is given
1 – discount is given
rows\row\num_optionsnumber of product options
rows\row\sale_infosale information
rows\row\sale_info\common_base_pricebase price before sale
rows\row\sale_info\common_price_usdprice before sale. currency: USD
rows\row\sale_info\common_price_rurprice before sale. currency: RUR
rows\row\sale_info\common_price_eurprice before sale. currency: EUR
rows\row\sale_info\common_price_uahprice before sale. currency: UAH
rows\row\sale_info\sale_endsale expiration date
rows\row\sale_info\sale_percentdiscount percent
rows\row\owner_idmarketplace identifier

Product discount

The URL for sending a request: http://shop.digiseller.ru/xml/shop_discount.asp
Method: POST
Request format: <digiseller.request> <product> <id></id> <currency></currency> </product> <email></email> </digiseller.request>
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
product\id item id integer
product\currency currency type USD, RUR, EUR, UAH or mBTC
email customer's email
Response format:
XML response example
<digiseller.response> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc/> <product> <price></price> <currency></currency> </product> <discount> <percent></percent> <total></total> <currency></currency> </discount> </digiseller.response>
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval result code 0 - request sent
retdesc decryption of the request execution code
product\price the discounted price in the specified WM currency
discount\percent discount percentage
discount\total the total cost of purchases always in USD
discount\currency currency type always in USD

Product search

The URL for sending a request: http://shop.digiseller.ru/xml/shop_search.asp
Method: POST
Request format: <digiseller.request> <seller> <id></id> </seller> <products> <search></search> <currency></currency> </products> <pages> <num></num> <rows></rows> </pages> <lang></lang> </digiseller.request>
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
seller\id seller ID integer
products\search search line
products\currency price currency. optional parameter USD, RUB, EUR or UAH
pages\num page number (if you do not specify the page number, then displays the first page) integer
pages\rows the number of rows per page integer
lang language ru-RU | en-US
Response format:
XML response example
<digiseller.response> <retval></retval> <retdesc></retdesc> <pages cnt=""> <num></num> <rows></rows> </pages> <products cnt=""> <search></search> <currency></currency> <product> <id></id> <name></name> <price></price> <agency_fee></agency_fee> <snippets> <name></name> <info></info> </snippets> <sale_info> <common_base_price></common_base_price> <common_price_usd></common_price_usd> <common_price_rur></common_price_rur> <common_price_eur></common_price_eur> <common_price_uah></common_price_uah> <sale_percent></sale_percent> </product> ... </products> </digiseller.response>
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval result code 0 - request sent
retdesc decryption of the request execution code
pages page parameters attribute cnt-the number of pages
pages\num the page number passed in the request
pages\rows the number of rows per page
products product list parameters
products\search the search string passed in the request
products\currency the type of currency passed in the request for displaying the price
products\product product options
products\product\id item id
products\product\name item name
products\product\price price
products\product\agency_fee partner reward %
products\product\snippets\name a product name with the found search string When displaying the content, you should replace the following:
[[!b!]] with <b>
[[!/b!]] with </b>
products\product\snippets\info the fragment(s) of the product description with the found search string When displaying the content, you should replace the following:
[[!b!]] with <b>
[[!/b!]] with </b>
products\product\sale_infosale information
products\product\sale_info\common_base_pricebase price before sale
products\product\sale_info\common_price_usdprice before sale. currency: USD
products\product\sale_info\common_price_rurprice before sale. currency: RUR
products\product\sale_info\common_price_eurprice before sale. currency: EUR
products\product\sale_info\common_price_uahprice before sale. currency: UAH
products\product\sale_info\sale_percentdiscount percent

Quickly get the main product image

To get a full list of product images, you need to use the “Product description” method

URL of item image: //graph.digiseller.ru/img.ashx?id_d=2029463&maxlength=400
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
id_d item id integer
maxlength the maximum length in pixels on the longer side of the rectangleа integer. another way of setting the size is to explicitly define the image width and/or height (w,h)
w, h the maximum product width and height, correspondingly. integers that can be specified together or individually (the proportion of the source image will be preserved)
crop clipping of the long sides of rectangles to form squares true | false, optional parameter.

Creation of a copy of the product description (cloning without contents)

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/product/clone/{product_id}?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <request> <count>1</count> <categories>false</categories> <notify>false</notify> <discounts>false</discounts> <options>false</options> <comissions>false</comissions> <gallery>false</gallery> </request> { "count": 1, "categories": true, "notify": true, "discounts": true, "options": true, "comissions": true, "gallery": true }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Products ]: Create
Method for creating access token
product_id Item id Integer
count Number of copies created (no more than 5) Integer. by default: 1
categories Create copies in the same categories as the original product Boolean. by default: false
notify Copy the notification settings Boolean. by default: false
discounts Copy the discount settings Boolean. by default: false
options Copy settings for advanced parameters Boolean. by default: false
comissions Copy compensation settings Boolean. by default: false
gallery Copy images and videos from Boolean. by default: false
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <products>220</products> <products>333</products> <products>5566</products> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "products": [ 23387571, 23387572, 23387573 ] } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body
content\products Created item ids Array

List of goods seller with an individual offer

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/agents/offer?sellerId={sellerId}&onlyInStock={onlyInStock}&onlyIndividual={onlyIndividual}&productName={productName}&productId={productId}&page={page}&count={count}&token={token}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
sellerId Seller ID Integer
productName Item name String. optional field
productId Item id Integer. optional field
onlyInStock Only products in stock Boolean. by default: false
onlyIndividual Only with individual commissions Boolean. by default: false
page Page number Integer
count Number per page Integer (1 - 100)
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Affiliate program ]: Individual offer
Method for creating access token
JSON response format: json { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "errors": null, "content": { "page": 1, "count": 11, "has_next_page": true, "has_previous_page": false, "total_count": 42, "total_pages": 4, "items": [ { "product_id": 1, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Sample name RU" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Sample name EN" } ], "price": 0.04, "currency": "USD", "in_affiliate": true, "global_percent": 0, "individual_percent": 13, "last_change": null }, { "product_id": 2, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "Sample name RU" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "Sample name EN" } ], "price": 1, "currency": "USD", "in_affiliate": false, "global_percent": 0, "individual_percent": 15, "last_change": "2019-06-05T15:56:36.023" }, .... ] } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\page Page Integer
content\count Count Integer
content\total_count Total elements count Integer
content\total_pages Total pages num Integer
content\items Array of elements Array
content\items\product_id Item id Integer
content\items\name Item name String
content\items\price Price Float
content\items\currency Currency RUB|USD|UAH|EUR
content\items\in_affiliate The item is part of an affiliate program Boolean
content\items\individual_percent Individual percent Integer
content\items\global_percent The percentage of deductions in the settings of the product Integer
content\items\last_change Last change Date and time (ISO 8601)